Bluetooth telemedicine processor for multichannel biomedical signal transmission via mobile cellular networks MFA Rasid, B Woodward IEEE transactions on information technology in biomedicine 9 (1), 35-43, 2005 | 298 | 2005 |
Cluster based routing protocol for mobile nodes in wireless sensor network SAB Awwad, CK Ng, NK Noordin, MFA Rasid Wireless Personal Communications 61, 251-281, 2011 | 270 | 2011 |
Overcoming limitations of LoRa physical layer in image transmission AH Jebril, A Sali, A Ismail, MFA Rasid Sensors 18 (10), 3257, 2018 | 102 | 2018 |
A survey on energy awareness mechanisms in routing protocols for wireless sensor networks using optimization methods AM Shamsan Saleh, BM Ali, MFA Rasid, A Ismail Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 25 (12), 1184-1207, 2014 | 85 | 2014 |
Multi-sources data fusion framework for remote triage prioritization in telehealth OH Salman, MFA Rasid, MI Saripan, SK Subramaniam Journal of medical systems 38, 1-23, 2014 | 75 | 2014 |
Embedded gateway services for Internet of Things applications in ubiquitous healthcare MFA Rasid, WMW Musa, NAA Kadir, AM Noor, F Touati, W Mehmood, ... 2014 2nd International Conference on Information and Communication …, 2014 | 70 | 2014 |
X-band trisection substrate-integrated waveguide quasi-elliptic filter A Ismail, MS Razalli, MA Mahdi, RSAR Abdullah, NK Noordin, MFA Rasid Progress In Electromagnetics Research 85, 133-145, 2008 | 69 | 2008 |
Totally opportunistic routing algorithm (TORA) for underwater wireless sensor network Z Rahman, F Hashim, MFA Rasid, M Othman Plos one 13 (6), e0197087, 2018 | 63 | 2018 |
A 3G/WiFi-enabled 6LoWPAN-based U-healthcare system for ubiquitous real-time monitoring and data logging R Tabish, AM Ghaleb, R Hussein, F Touati, AB Mnaouer, L Khriji, ... 2nd Middle East Conference on Biomedical Engineering, 277-280, 2014 | 63 | 2014 |
A novel cell-selection optimization handover for long-term evolution (LTE) macrocellusing fuzzy TOPSIS YS Hussein, BM Ali, MFA Rasid, A Sali, AM Mansoor Computer Communications 73, 22-33, 2016 | 58 | 2016 |
Improved tree routing (ImpTR) protocol for ZigBee network M Al-Harbawi, MFA Rasid, NK Noordin International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 9 (10), 146-152, 2009 | 53 | 2009 |
A self-optimizing scheme for energy balanced routing in wireless sensor networks using sensorant AM Shamsan Saleh, BM Ali, MFA Rasid, A Ismail Sensors 12 (8), 11307-11333, 2012 | 48 | 2012 |
Detection of denial of service attacks against domain name system using neural networks S Rastegari, MI Saripan, MFA Rasid arXiv preprint arXiv:0912.1815, 2009 | 43 | 2009 |
An energy efficient reinforcement learning based cooperative channel sensing for cognitive radio sensor networks I Mustapha, BM Ali, A Sali, MFA Rasid, H Mohamad Pervasive and Mobile Computing 35, 165-184, 2017 | 42 | 2017 |
An energy-efficient spectrum-aware reinforcement learning-based clustering algorithm for cognitive radio sensor networks I Mustapha, BM Ali, MFA Rasid, A Sali, H Mohamad Sensors 15 (8), 19783-19818, 2015 | 42 | 2015 |
Neural network based for automatic vehicle classification in forward scattering radar RSAR Abdullah, MI Saripan, M Cherniakov 2007 IET International Conference on Radar Systems, 1-5, 2007 | 42 | 2007 |
Design and performance analysis of high reliability-optimal routing protocol for mobile wireless multimedia sensor networks WA Hussein, BM Ali, MFA Rasid, F Hashim 2017 IEEE 13th Malaysia International Conference on Communications (MICC …, 2017 | 37 | 2017 |
Accurate ICMP traceback model under DoS/DDoS attack A Izaddoost, M Othman, MFA Rasid 15th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications …, 2007 | 35 | 2007 |
Node replication attacks in mobile wireless sensor network: a survey HR Shaukat, F Hashim, A Sali, MF Abdul Rasid International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 10 (12), 402541, 2014 | 33 | 2014 |
Normalized advancement based totally opportunistic routing algorithm with void detection and avoiding mechanism for underwater wireless sensor network Z Rahman, F Hashim, MFA Rasid, M Othman, KA Alezabi IEEE access 8, 67484-67500, 2020 | 29 | 2020 |