Subham Choudhury
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Cited by
DeepMoD: Deep learning for model discovery in noisy data
GJ Both, S Choudhury, P Sens, R Kusters
Journal of Computational Physics 428, 109985, 2021
Reconstructing kinetic models for dynamical studies of metabolism using generative adversarial networks
S Choudhury, M Moret, P Salvy, D Weilandt, V Hatzimanikatis, L Miskovic
Nature Machine Intelligence 4 (8), 710-719, 2022
Generative machine learning produces kinetic models that accurately characterize intracellular metabolic states
S Choudhury, B Narayanan, M Moret, V Hatzimanikatis, L Miskovic
Nature Catalysis 7 (10), 1086-1098, 2024
Reconstructing kinetic models for dynamical studies of metabolism using generative adversarial networks. Nat. Mach. Intell. 4 (8), 710–719
S Choudhury, M Moret, P Salvy, D Weilandt, V Hatzimanikatis, L Miskovic
Development of Machine Learning methods for the kinetic modelling of metabolic networks for biotechnological and biomedical applications
S Choudhury
EPFL, 2024
Supplementary datasets for the manuscript" Generative machine learning produces kinetic models that accurately characterize intracellular metabolic states"-Part 3
S Choudhury, B Narayanan, M Moret, V Hatzimanikatis, L Miskovic
Zenodo, 2023
S Andreozzi, L Angeles Martinez, P Angelino, M Ataman, Y Berset, ...
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