Izaidin Abdul Majid, Majid I A, IBA Majid, I Majid, I Abdul Majid
Izaidin Abdul Majid, Majid I A, IBA Majid, I Majid, I Abdul Majid
Professor in Entrepreneurship, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
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Cited by
Determinants of entrepreneurial intention among millennial generation
WL Koe, JR Sa’ari, IA Majid, K Ismail
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 40, 197-208, 2012
Sustainable entrepreneurship (SE): A revised model based on triple bottom line (TBL)
IA Majid, WL Koe
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences 2 …, 2012
The impact of microfinance on poverty reduction: Empirical evidence from Malaysian perspective
S Samer, I Majid, S Rizal, MR Muhamad, N Rashid
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 195, 721-728, 2015
Factors associated with propensity for sustainable entrepreneurship
WL Koe, R Omar, IA Majid
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 130, 65-74, 2014
Conceptual framework: The role of microfinance on the wellbeing of poor people cases studies from Malaysia and Yemen
SSA Al-Shami, IBA Majid, NA Rashid, MSRBA Hamid
Asian Social Science 10 (1), 230, 2014
The effect of microfinance on women’s empowerment: Evidence from Malaysia
SSA Al-Shami, MM Razali, I Majid, A Rozelan, N Rashid
Asian Journal of Women's Studies 22 (3), 318-337, 2016
Employers’ perceptions of important employability skills required from Malaysian engineering and information and communication technology (ICT) graduates
MSM Saad, IA Majid
Global Journal of Engineering Education 16 (3), 110-115, 2014
Socio-cultural factors and intention towards sustainable entrepreneurship
WL Koe, IA Majid
Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics 7 (13), 145-156, 2014
Household welfare and women empowerment through microcredit financing: Evidence from Malaysia microcredit
SSA Al-Shami, I Majid, MR Mohamad, N Rashid
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment 27 (8), 894-910, 2017
Customer relationship management practices: The impact on organizational performance in SMEs of food manufacturing industry
SH Mohamad, NA Othman, J Jabar, IA Majid
European Journal of Business and Management 6 (13), 35-48, 2014
Employers’ perception on engineering, information and communication technology (ICT) students’ employability skills
MSM Saad, A Robani, Z Jano, IA Majid
Global Journal of Engineering Education 15 (1), 42-47, 2013
A model for predicting intention towards sustainable entrepreneurship
WL Koe, IA Majid
International Journal of Information, Business and Management 6 (2), 256, 2014
Kashmir: A conflict between India and Pakistan
DA Majid, DM Hussin
South Asian Studies 31 (1), 2020
SMEs’ intention towards sustainable entrepreneurship
IA Majid, A Latif, WL Koe
European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies 2 (3), 24-32, 2017
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM): Empowering smart customer to participate in electricity supply system
F Abu, AR Yunus, IA Majid, J Jabar, A Aris, H Sakidin, A Ahmad
Journal of Technology Management and Technopreneurship (JTMT) 2 (1), 2014
The commercialisation process of patents by universities
K Ismail, WZW Omar, IA Majid
African Journal of Business Management 5 (17), 7198, 2011
Sustainability–driven entrepreneurship: The mediating effect of opportunity-based management structure on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and environmental …
I Kamaludin, MM Saad, NA Aziz
European Jounrla of Business and Management 4 (13), 148-156, 2012
Prevalence of entrepreneurial management practices in technology-based firms in Malaysia
I Majid, K Ismail, S Cooper
African Journal of Business Management (AJBM) 5 (6), 2075-2082, 2011
The impact of customer relationship management on small and medium enterprises performance
SH Mohamad, NA Othman, J Jabar, IA Majid, MF Kamarudin
Journal of Technology Management and Technopreneurship (JTMT) 2 (2), 2014
University Spin-off Formations: How decision making process has been made?
K Ismail, C Mason, S Cooper
International Journal of Business and Social Science 1 (2), 2010
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Articles 1–20