Principles of phonetic segmentation P Machač, R Skarnitzl Epocha, 2009 | 193 | 2009 |
Tools rPraat and mPraat: Interfacing phonetic analyses with signal processing T Bořil, R Skarnitzl Text, Speech, and Dialogue: 19th International Conference, TSD 2016, Brno …, 2016 | 101 | 2016 |
Nový encyklopedický slovník češtiny P Karlík, M Nekula, J Pleskalová, J Bachmannová, J Balhar, A Bičan, ... Nakladatelství Lidové noviny, 2016 | 96 | 2016 |
Zvuková báze řečové komunikace: Fonetický a fonologický popis řeči R Skarnitzl, P Šturm, J Volín Charles University in Prague, Karolinum Press, 2016 | 80 | 2016 |
Fonetická segmentace hlásek P Machač, R Skarnitzl Epocha, 2009 | 69 | 2009 |
Credibility of native and non-native speakers of English revisited: Do non-native listeners feel the same? D Hanzlíková, R Skarnitzl Research in Language 15 (3), 285-298, 2017 | 66 | 2017 |
Znělostní kontrast nejen v češtině R Skarnitzl Epocha, 2011 | 57 | 2011 |
The acoustic fingerprint of a charismatic voice-Initial evidence from correlations between long-term spectral features and listener ratings O Niebuhr, R Skarnitzl, L Tylečková 9th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2018, 359-363, 2018 | 55 | 2018 |
Referenční hodnoty vokalických formantů pro mladé dospělé mluvčí standardní češtiny R Skarnitzl, J Volín Akustické listy 18 (1), 7-11, 2012 | 55 | 2012 |
HMM-based phonetic segmentation in Praat environment P Pollák, J Volín, R Skarnitzl Proceedings of SPECOM, 537-541, 2007 | 54 | 2007 |
Phonetic aspects of strongly-accented Czech speakers of English R Skarnitzl, J Rumlová AUC PHILOLOGICA 2019 (2), 109-128, 2019 | 46 | 2019 |
Foreign or native-like? The attitudes of Czech EFL learners towards accents of English and their use as pronunciation models K Brabcová, R Skarnitzl Studie z aplikované lingvistiky-Studies in Applied Linguistics 9 (1), 38-50, 2018 | 45 | 2018 |
High front vowels in Czech: A contrast in quantity or quality? VJ Podlipský, R Skarnitzl, J Volín Tenth Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 2009 | 40 | 2009 |
Measuring a speaker's acoustic correlates of pitch-but which? A contrastive analysis for perceived speaker charisma O Niebuhr, R Skarnitzl 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences: Endangered Languages, and …, 2019 | 39 | 2019 |
Acoustic categories of nonmodal phonation in the context of the Czech conjunction “a” R Skarnitzl AUC Philologica 1 (2004), 57-68, 2004 | 32 | 2004 |
Stabilizace některých termínů pro fonetický popis češtiny v závislosti na nových výsledcích výzkumu Z Palková, J Veroňková, J Volín, R Skarnitzl Sborník z Konference česko-slovenské pobočky ISPhS, 65-74, 2004 | 32 | 2004 |
The strength of foreign accent in Czech English under adverse listening conditions J Volín, R Skarnitzl Speech Communication 52 (11-12), 1010-1021, 2010 | 31 | 2010 |
Fundamental frequency statistics for male speakers of Common Czech R Skarnitzl, J Vaňková AUC PHILOLOGICA 2017 (3), 7-17, 2017 | 27 | 2017 |
The acoustics of word stress in Czech as a function of speaking style R Skarnitzl, A Eriksson Interspeech 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, August 20–24, 2017, 3221-3225, 2017 | 26 | 2017 |
Prague phonetic corpus: status report R Skarnitzl AUC Philologica 1/2009, Phonetica Pragensia, XII, 65-67, 2010 | 25 | 2010 |