Efficient neural architecture search via parameters sharing H Pham, M Guan, B Zoph, Q Le, J Dean International conference on machine learning, 4095-4104, 2018 | 3477 | 2018 |
To Trust Or Not To Trust A Classifier H Jiang, B Kim, MY Guan, M Gupta arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.11783, 2018 | 547 | 2018 |
Making AI Forget You: Data Deletion in Machine Learning A Ginart, MY Guan, G Valiant, J Zou arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.05012, 2019 | 452 | 2019 |
Who said what: Modeling individual labelers improves classification M Guan, V Gulshan, A Dai, G Hinton Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 32 (1), 2018 | 255 | 2018 |
Efficient attention using a fixed-size memory representation D Britz, MY Guan, MT Luong arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.00110, 2017 | 50 | 2017 |
Nonparametric stochastic contextual bandits M Guan, H Jiang Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 32 (1), 2018 | 43 | 2018 |
Using computer vision to automate hand detection and tracking of surgeon movements in videos of open surgery M Zhang, X Cheng, D Copeland, A Desai, MY Guan, GA Brat, S Yeung AMIA Annual symposium proceedings 2020, 1373, 2021 | 28 | 2021 |
A real-time spatiotemporal AI model analyzes skill in open surgical videos ED Goodman, KK Patel, Y Zhang, W Locke, CJ Kennedy, R Mehrotra, ... arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.07219, 2021 | 21 | 2021 |
Analyzing surgical technique in diverse open surgical videos with multitask machine learning ED Goodman, KK Patel, Y Zhang, W Locke, CJ Kennedy, R Mehrotra, ... JAMA surgery 159 (2), 185-192, 2024 | 10 | 2024 |
Artificial general intelligence: coordination & great powers A Duettmann, O Afanasjeva, S Armstrong, R Braley, J Cussins, J Ding, ... Foresight Institute: Palo Alto, CA, USA, 2018 | 7 | 2018 |
A surprising density of illusionable natural speech MY Guan, G Valiant arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.01040, 2019 | 4 | 2019 |
RISE OF THE ROBOTIC WORKFORCE. M Guan Harvard Political Review 42 (3), 2015 | 3 | 2015 |
A real-time spatiotemporal AI model analyzes skill in open surgical videos S Yeung, E Goodman, K Patel, Y Zhang, W Locke, C Kennedy, ... Res. Square, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
The development of 222Rn detectors for JUNO prototype YP Zhang, JC Liu, C Guo, YB Huang, C Xu, MY Guan, CG Yang, P Zhang Radiation Detection Technology and Methods 2 (1), 5, 2018 | 1 | 2018 |
The estimation of n/ pulse shape discrimination capability of liquid argon detector with SiPM arrays contrast to PMTs L Wang, TA Wang, JC Liu, C Guo, CG Yang, MY Guan, XH Liang, Q Zhao arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.01967, 2022 | | 2022 |