Manpreet S Katari
Manpreet S Katari
Clinical Associate Professor of Biology, New York University
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Systems approach identifies an organic nitrogen-responsive gene network that is regulated by the master clock control gene CCA1
RA Gutiérrez, TL Stokes, K Thum, X Xu, M Obertello, MS Katari, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (12), 4939-4944, 2008
VirtualPlant: a software platform to support systems biology research
MS Katari, SD Nowicki, FF Aceituno, D Nero, J Kelfer, LP Thompson, ...
Plant physiology 152 (2), 500-515, 2010
A functional phylogenomic view of the seed plants
EK Lee, A Cibrian-Jaramillo, SO Kolokotronis, MS Katari, A Stamatakis, ...
PLoS genetics 7 (12), e1002411, 2011
The histone methyltransferase SDG8 mediates the epigenetic modification of light and carbon responsive genes in plants
Y Li, I Mukherjee, KE Thum, M Tanurdzic, MS Katari, M Obertello, ...
Genome Biology 16, 1-15, 2015
Integrated RNA-seq and sRNA-seq analysis identifies novel nitrate-responsive genes in Arabidopsis thaliana roots
EA Vidal, TC Moyano, G Krouk, MS Katari, M Tanurdzic, WR McCombie, ...
BMC genomics 14, 1-15, 2013
Expressed sequence tag analysis in Cycas, the most primitive living seed plant
ED Brenner, DW Stevenson, RW McCombie, MS Katari, SA Rudd, ...
Genome Biology 4, 1-11, 2003
Plasticity regulators modulate specific root traits in discrete nitrogen environments
ML Gifford, JA Banta, MS Katari, J Hulsmans, L Chen, D Ristova, ...
PLoS genetics 9 (9), e1003760, 2013
Modeling the global effect of the basic-leucine zipper transcription factor 1 (bZIP1) on nitrogen and light regulation in Arabidopsis
M Obertello, G Krouk, MS Katari, SJ Runko, GM Coruzzi
BMC systems biology 4, 1-11, 2010
An integrated genetic, genomic and systems approach defines gene networks regulated by the interaction of light and carbon signaling pathways in Arabidopsis
KE Thum, MJ Shin, RA Gutiérrez, I Mukherjee, MS Katari, D Nero, ...
BMC systems biology 2, 1-19, 2008
The impact of outgroup choice and missing data on major seed plant phylogenetics using genome-wide EST data
JE De La Torre-bárcena, SO Kolokotronis, EK Lee, DW Stevenson, ...
PLoS One 4 (6), e5764, 2009
QTL Mapping for Pest and Disease Resistance in Cassava and Coincidence of Some QTL with Introgression Regions Derived from Manihot glaziovii
I Nzuki, MS Katari, JV Bredeson, E Masumba, F Kapinga, K Salum, ...
Frontiers in plant science 8, 1168, 2017
Evolution and microsynteny of the apyrase gene family in three legume genomes
SB Cannon, WR McCombie, S Sato, S Tabata, R Denny, L Palmer, ...
Molecular Genetics and Genomics 270, 347-361, 2003
QTL associated with resistance to cassava brown streak and cassava mosaic diseases in a bi-parental cross of two Tanzanian farmer varieties, Namikonga and Albert
EA Masumba, F Kapinga, G Mkamilo, K Salum, H Kulembeka, S Rounsley, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 130, 2069-2090, 2017
Sungear: interactive visualization and functional analysis of genomic datasets
CS Poultney, RA Gutiérrez, MS Katari, ML Gifford, WB Paley, GM Coruzzi, ...
Bioinformatics 23 (2), 259-261, 2007
TCF7L1 modulates colorectal cancer growth by inhibiting expression of the tumor-suppressor gene EPHB3
M Murphy, SS Chatterjee, S Jain, M Katari, R DasGupta
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 28299, 2016
Molecular Basis of Disease Resistance in Banana Progenitor Musa balbisiana against Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum
L Tripathi, JN Tripathi, T Shah, KS Muiruri, M Katari
Scientific reports 9 (1), 7007, 2019
Cross-species network analysis uncovers conserved nitrogen-regulated network modules in rice
M Obertello, S Shrivastava, MS Katari, GM Coruzzi
Plant physiology 168 (4), 1830-1843, 2015
A time series transcriptome analysis of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) varieties challenged with Ugandan cassava brown streak virus
T Amuge, DK Berger, MS Katari, AA Myburg, SL Goldman, ME Ferguson
Scientific reports 7 (1), 9747, 2017
EST analysis in Ginkgo biloba: an assessment of conserved developmental regulators and gymnosperm specific genes
ED Brenner, MS Katari, DW Stevenson, SA Rudd, AW Douglas, WN Moss, ...
BMC genomics 6, 1-10, 2005
ConnecTF: A platform to integrate transcription factor–gene interactions and validate regulatory networks
MD Brooks, CL Juang, MS Katari, JM Alvarez, A Pasquino, HJ Shih, ...
Plant physiology 185 (1), 49-66, 2021
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Articles 1–20