Adwan Alanazi
Cited by
Cited by
Real-time QoS routing protocols in wireless multimedia sensor networks: study and analysis
A Alanazi, K Elleithy
Sensors 15 (9), 22209-22233, 2015
Em-sep: an efficient modified stable election protocol
AA Malluh, KM Elleithy, Z Qawaqneh, RJ Mstafa, A Alanazi
American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE Zone 1), 2014 Zone 1 …, 2014
Optimized Node Selection Process for quality of service provisioning over wireless multimedia sensor networks
A Alanazi, K Elleithy
Mobile and Secure Services (MobiSecServ), 2016 Second International …, 2016
An Optimized Hidden Node Detection Paradigm for Improving the Coverage and Network Efficiency in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
A Alanazi, K Elleithy
Sensors 16 (9), 1438, 2016
A highly secure quantum communication scheme for Blind Signature using qubits and qutrits
AA Malluh, KM Elleithy, A Alanazi, RJ Mstafa
American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE Zone 1), 2014 Zone 1 …, 2014
Energy efficient hidden node detection for improving Quality of Service in wireless multimedia sensor networks
A Alanazi, K Elleithy
Long Island Systems, Applications and Technology Conference (LISAT), 2016 …, 2016
Energy Efficient QoS Routing Protocol for Handling Hidden Nodes in in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
A Alanazi, KM Elleithy
EM-SEP: An Efficient Modified Stable Election Protocol
A Abu Malluh, KM Elleithy, Z Qawaqneh, RJ Mstafa, A Alanazi
ASEE, 2014
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Articles 1–8