Myriam Brochu
Myriam Brochu
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Surface characteristics and fatigue behavior of shot peened Inconel 718
T Klotz, D Delbergue, P Bocher, M Lévesque, M Brochu
International Journal of Fatigue 110, 10-21, 2018
A sequential DEM-FEM coupling method for shot peening simulation
F Tu, D Delbergue, H Miao, T Klotz, M Brochu, P Bocher, M Levesque
Surface and Coatings Technology 319, 200-212, 2017
Selective laser melting and heat treatment of precipitation hardening stainless steel with a refined microstructure and excellent mechanical properties
XD Nong, XL Zhou, JH Li, YD Wang, YF Zhao, M Brochu
Scripta Materialia 178, 7-12, 2020
Failure analysis of a 316L stainless steel femoral orthopedic implant
B Gervais, A Vadean, M Raison, M Brochu
Case Studies in Engineering Failure Analysis 5, 30-38, 2016
High cycle fatigue strength of permanent mold and rheocast aluminum 357 alloy
M Brochu, Y Verreman, F Ajersch, D Bouchard
International Journal of Fatigue 32 (8), 1233-1242, 2010
Microstructural effects on the fatigue crack growth resistance of a stainless steel CA6NM weld
A Trudel, M Lévesque, M Brochu
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 115, 60-72, 2014
Analysis of grain colonies in type 430 ferritic stainless steels by electron back scattering diffraction (EBSD)
M Brochu, T Yokota, S Satoh
ISIJ international 37 (9), 872-877, 1997
Characterization of bending vibration fatigue of SLM fabricated Ti-6Al-4V
B Ellyson, M Brochu, M Brochu
International Journal of Fatigue 99, 25-34, 2017
Microstructural characterization and high cycle fatigue behavior of investment cast A357 aluminum alloy
S Dezecot, M Brochu
International Journal of Fatigue 77, 154-159, 2015
High-cycle fatigue behavior of a laser powder bed fusion additive manufactured Ti-6Al-4V titanium: Effect of pores and tested volume size
E Pessard, M Lavialle, P Laheurte, P Didier, M Brochu
International Journal of Fatigue 149, 106206, 2021
Material-design-process selection methodology for aircraft structural components: application to additive vs subtractive manufacturing processes
C Hodonou, M Balazinski, M Brochu, C Mascle
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 103, 1509-1517, 2019
Statistical analysis of high cycle fatigue life and inclusion size distribution in shot peened 300M steel
A Bag, D Delbergue, P Bocher, M Lévesque, M Brochu
International Journal of Fatigue 118, 126-138, 2019
Effect of shot peening on short crack propagation in 300M steel
A Bag, M Lévesque, M Brochu
International Journal of Fatigue 131, 105346, 2020
Effect of different shot peening conditions on the fatigue life of 300 M steel submitted to high stress amplitudes
A Bag, D Delbergue, J Ajaja, P Bocher, M Lévesque, M Brochu
International Journal of Fatigue 130, 105274, 2020
Fatigue crack growth in the heat affected zone of a hydraulic turbine runner weld
A Trudel, M Sabourin, M Lévesque, M Brochu
International Journal of Fatigue 66, 39-46, 2014
Identification of the fatigue stress intensity factor threshold for different load ratios R: From fretting fatigue to C (T) fatigue experiments
A De Pannemaecker, S Fouvry, M Brochu, JY Buffiere
International Journal of Fatigue 82, 211-225, 2016
Analytical fatigue life prediction of shot peened Inconel 718
T Klotz, HY Miao, C Bianchetti, M Lévesque, M Brochu
International Journal of fatigue 113, 204-221, 2018
Analytical fatigue life prediction of shot peened AA 7050-T7451
C Bianchetti, D Delbergue, P Bocher, M Lévesque, M Brochu
International Journal of Fatigue 118, 271-281, 2019
Characterization of bending vibration fatigue of WBD fabricated Ti-6Al-4V
B Ellyson, N Chekir, M Brochu, M Brochu
International Journal of Fatigue 101, 36-44, 2017
High cycle fatigue behavior of hard turned 300 M ultra-high strength steel
J Ajaja, W Jomaa, P Bocher, RR Chromik, M Brochu
International Journal of Fatigue 131, 105380, 2020
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Articles 1–20