A. Ammar Ghaibeh
A. Ammar Ghaibeh
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Cited by
Predictability of Pressure Ulcers Based on Operation Duration, Transfer Activity, and Body Mass Index Through the Use of an Alternating Decision Tree
HM Yoko Setoguchi, A. Ammar Ghaibeh, Kazue Mitani, Yoshiro Abi, Ichiro Hasimoto
The Journal of Medical Investigation 63, 2016
Detection of risky esophageal varices by two-dimensional ultrasound: when to perform endoscopy
H Mahfouz, M Fakhry, M Afifi, M Nafady, K Amer, A El-shamy, U Kenji, ...
The American Journal of the Medical Sciences 347 (1), 28-33, 2014
On-admission pressure ulcer prediction using the nursing needs score
Y Nakamura, AA Ghaibeh, Y Setoguchi, K Mitani, Y Abe, I Hashimoto, ...
JMIR medical informatics 3 (1), e3850, 2015
Predictability of the future development of aggressive behavior of cranial dural arteriovenous fistulas based on decision tree analysis
J Satomi, AA Ghaibeh, H Moriguchi, S Nagahiro
Journal of Neurosurgery 123 (1), 86-90, 2015
Systemic inflammation and family history in relation to the prevalence of type 2 diabetes based on an alternating decision tree
KA Hirokazu Uemura, A. Ammar Ghaibeh, Sakurako Katsuura-Kamano, Miwa ...
Scientific Reports 7, 45502 EP -, 2017
Empirical study of sampling methods for classification in imbalanced clinical datasets
A Kasem, A Ammar Ghaibeh, H Moriguchi
Computational Intelligence in Information Systems: Proceedings of the …, 2017
Gaining Insights on Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Treatment Outcome using Clinical Data Mining Techniques
VT A A Ghaibeh, A Kasem, XJ NG, HLK NAIR, J HIROSE
MIE 2018, 2018
Predictability of postoperative recurrence on hepatocellular carcinoma through data mining method
S Iwahashi, AA Ghaibeh, M Shimada, Y Morine, S Imura, T Ikemoto, ...
Molecular and Clinical Oncology 13 (5), 1-1, 2020
Efficient subspace learning using a large scale neural network CombNET-II
AA Ghaibeh, S Kuroyanagi, A Iwata
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Neural Information …, 2002
Using Voronoi grid and SVM linear regression in drug discovery
AA Ghaibeh, M Sasaki, H Chuman
2006 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Bioinformatics and …, 2006
MH Setoguchi Y, Ghaibeh A. A, Mitani K, Matsunaga T, Nakagawa H
大阪青山大学看護学ジャーナル 1, 1-8, 2017
Predictors of Cognitive Impairment in Stroke Servivors
GF Mohamed, HM Baddary, MN Thabit, AA Ghaibeh, ASB Farrag, ...
Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research 4 (08), 11771-11781, 2016
Evaluation of multimedia transport Protocols for distance medical education using the Wideband InterNetworking satellite
HM Takeshi Konishi, Battulga Bayanmunkh, Yu Tamaki, A. Ammar Ghaibeh ...
World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and …, 2012
Support Vector Machine及び決定木による化合物のヒト発がん性予測モデルの構築
大村 士朗, 松岡 恒輝, 佐藤 陽一, 山内 あい子, ガイベ アハマド アンマール森口 博基
第55回日本薬学会・日本薬剤師会・日本病院薬剤師会 中国四国支部学術大会, 2016
Prediction of chemical-induced developmental and reproductive toxicity in human using the machine learning
HMAY Matsuoka Koki, A Ammar Ghaibeh, Omura Shiro, Youichi Sato
CBI学会2016年大会, 2016
Mining Nurse Care Data: A Study Case on Pressure Ulcer Prediction
HM A. Ammar Ghaibeh, Yoko Setoguchi
IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI2016), 2016
Prediction of Pressure Ulcer Using Data Mining
MH Setoguchi Yoko, Hahimoto Ichiro, A. Ammar Ghaibeh, Tamura Yoko, Nakagawa ...
Japan Journal of Medical Informatics 33, 2013
Using computational intelligence methods in a web-based drug safety information community
AY A. Ammar Ghaibeh, Mikio Sasaki, Eiko Nakata Doolin, Kumiko Sakamoto ...
Complex Medical Engineering, 165-172, 2007
Device And Program For Analyzing Structural Reaction Characteristics Correlation
HT Chuman Hiroshi, Sasaki Mikio, A. Ammar Ghaibeh
JP Patent JP2007-106,708, 2007
Method For Computing Similarities Of Chemical Structures And Evaluating Safety Of Compound, And Medicine Safety Information System
NE Yamauchi Aiko, Chuman Hiroshi, Sakamoto Kumiko, Sasaki Mikio, A. Ammar ...
JP Patent JP2007-153,767, 2007
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Articles 1–20