Norberto Amaya Gonzalez
Norberto Amaya Gonzalez
Qualcomm Inc.
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Cited by
Introducing node architecture flexibility for elastic optical networks
N Amaya, G Zervas, D Simeonidou
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 5 (6), 593-608, 2013
Experimental demonstration of an OpenFlow based software-defined optical network employing packet, fixed and flexible DWDM grid technologies on an international multi-domain …
M Channegowda, R Nejabati, M Rashidi Fard, S Peng, N Amaya, ...
Optics express 21 (5), 5487-5498, 2013
Software defined networking (SDN) over space division multiplexing (SDM) optical networks: features, benefits and experimental demonstration
N Amaya, S Yan, M Channegowda, BR Rofoee, Y Shu, M Rashidi, Y Ou, ...
Optics express 22 (3), 3638-3647, 2014
Fully-elastic multi-granular network with space/frequency/time switching using multi-core fibres and programmable optical nodes
N Amaya, M Irfan, G Zervas, R Nejabati, D Simeonidou, J Sakaguchi, ...
Optics Express 21 (7), 8865-8872, 2013
Gridless optical networking field trial: flexible spectrum switching, defragmentation and transport of 10G/40G/100G/555G over 620-km field fiber
N Amaya, M Irfan, G Zervas, K Banias, M Garrich, I Henning, ...
Optics express 19 (26), B277-B282, 2011
Architecture on demand for transparent optical networks
N Amaya, GS Zervas, D Simeonidou
2011 13th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, 1-4, 2011
Finding the target cost for sliceable bandwidth variable transponders
V López, B Cruz, Ó González de Dios, O Gerstel, N Amaya, G Zervas, ...
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 6 (5), 476-485, 2014
Time Shared Optical Network (TSON): a novel metro architecture for flexible multi-granular services
GS Zervas, J Triay, N Amaya, Y Qin, C Cervelló-Pastor, D Simeonidou
Optics express 19 (26), B509-B514, 2011
First demonstration of software defined networking (SDN) over space division multiplexing (SDM) optical networks
N Amaya, S Yan, M Channegowda, BR Rofoee, Y Shu, M Rashidi, Y Ou, ...
39th European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication (ECOC 2013 …, 2013
First demonstration of an OpenFlow based software-defined optical network employing packet, fixed and flexible DWDM grid technologies on an international multi-domain testbed
M Channegowda, R Nejabati, M Rashidifard, S Peng, N Amaya, G Zervas, ...
European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication, Th. 3. D. 2, 2012
Target cost for sliceable bandwidth variable transponders in a real core network
V López, ĂG De Dios, O Gerstel, N Amaya, G Zervas, D Simeonidou, ...
2013 Future Network & Mobile Summit, 1-9, 2013
Architecture on demand design for high-capacity optical SDM/TDM/FDM switching
M Garrich, N Amaya, GS Zervas, JRF Oliveira, P Giaccone, A Bianco, ...
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 7 (1), 21-35, 2015
Architecture on demand: Synthesis and scalability
M Garrich, N Amaya, GS Zervas, P Giaccone, D Simeonidou
2012 16th International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling …, 2012
Experimental demonstration of a gridless multi-granular optical network supporting flexible spectrum switching
N Amaya, I Muhammad, GS Zervas, R Nejabati, D Simeodinou, YR Zhou, ...
2011 Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National …, 2011
Introducing flexible and synthetic optical networking: Planning and operation based on network function programmable ROADMs
A Muhammad, G Zervas, N Amaya, D Simeonidou, R Forchheimer
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 6 (7), 635-648, 2014
Field trial of a 1.5 Tb/s adaptive and gridless OXC supporting elastic 1000-fold all-optical bandwidth granularity
N Amaya, GS Zervas, BR Rofoee, M Irfan, Y Qin, D Simeonidou
Optics express 19 (26), B235-B241, 2011
Power consumption analysis of architecture on demand
M Garrich, N Amaya, GS Zervas, P Giaccone, D Simeonidou
European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication, P5. 06, 2012
Field experiments with a grooming switch for OTDM meshed networking
G Zarris, E Hugues-Salas, NA Gonzalez, R Weerasuriya, F Parmigiani, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 28 (4), 316-327, 2009
All programmable and synthetic optical network: Architecture and implementation
BR Rofoee, G Zervas, Y Yan, N Amaya, D Simeonidou
Journal of optical communications and networking 5 (9), 1096-1110, 2013
40-Gb/s NRZ-to-RZ and OOK-to-BPSK format and wavelength conversion on a single SOA-MZI for gridless networking operations
F Fresi, M Scaffardi, N Amaya, R Nejabati, D Simeonidou, A Bogoni
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 24 (4), 279-281, 2011
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Articles 1–20