Delik Hudalah
Cited by
Cited by
Peri-urban transformation in the Jakarta metropolitan area
H Winarso, D Hudalah, T Firman
Habitat International 49, 221-229, 2015
Beyond property: Industrial estates and post-suburban transformation in Jakarta Metropolitan Region
D Hudalah, T Firman
Cities 29 (1), 40-48, 2012
Welcoming two decades of decentralization in Indonesia: a regional development perspective
T Talitha, T Firman, D Hudalah
Territory, Politics, Governance 8 (5), 690-708, 2020
Peri-urbanisation in East Asia: A new challenge for planning?
D Hudalah, H Winarso, J Woltjer
International Development Planning Review 29 (4), 503-519, 2007
Spatial planning system in transitional Indonesia
D Hudalah, J Woltjer
International Planning Studies 12 (3), 291-303, 2007
Extended urbanization in small and medium-sized cities: The case of Cirebon, Indonesia
FZ Fahmi, D Hudalah, P Rahayu, J Woltjer
Habitat International 42, 1-10, 2014
Industrial land development and manufacturing deconcentration in Greater Jakarta
D Hudalah, D Viantari, T Firman, J Woltjer
Urban Geography 34 (7), 950-971, 2013
Leadership and collaborative planning: The case of Surakarta, Indonesia
FZ Fahmi, MI Prawira, D Hudalah, T Firman
Planning Theory 15 (3), 294-315, 2016
Gentrifying the peri-urban: Land use conflicts and institutional dynamics at the frontier of an Indonesian metropolis
D Hudalah, H Winarso, J Woltjer
Urban studies 53 (3), 593-608, 2016
Peri-urban planning for developing east asia: Learning from chengdu, china and yogyakarta/kartamantul, indonesia
R Legates, D Hudalah
Journal of Urban Affairs 36 (sup1), 334-353, 2014
The evolution of risk and vulnerability in Greater Jakarta: contesting government policy in dealing with a megacity’s exposure to flooding
S Sagala, J Lassa, H Yasaditama, D Hudalah
Cultural Cooperation, Institution Building and Metropolitan Governance in Decentralizing I ndonesia
D Hudalah, T Firman, J Woltjer
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 38 (6), 2217-2234, 2014
Planning by opportunity: An analysis of periurban environmental conflicts in Indonesia
D Hudalah, H Winarso, J Woltjer
Environment and Planning A 42 (9), 2254-2269, 2010
Governing industrial estates on Jakarta's periurban area: From shadow government to network governance
D Hudalah
Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 38 (1), 58-74, 2017
Review of peri-urban agriculture as a regional ecosystem service
SP Mulya, HPH Putro, D Hudalah
Geography and Sustainability 4 (3), 244-254, 2023
From metropolitanization to megaregionalization: Intentionality in the urban restructuring of Java’s North Coast, Indonesia
D Hudalah, Y Octifanny, T Talitha, T Firman, NA Phelps
Journal of Planning Education and Research 44 (1), 292-306, 2024
Peri-urban Planning in Indonesia: Contexts, approaches and institutional capacity
D Hudalah
Metropolitan di Indonesia: kenyataan dan tantangan dalam penataan ruang
H Winarso
Direktorat Jenderal Penataan Ruang, Departemen Pekerjaan Umum, 2006
Policy networking as capacity building: An analysis of regional road development conflict in Indonesia
D Hudalah, H Winarso, J Woltjer
Planning Theory 9 (4), 315-332, 2010
Urban governance challenges and reforms in Indonesia: towards a new Urban Agenda
W Salim, D Hudalah
New Urban Agenda in Asia-Pacific: Governance for Sustainable and Inclusive …, 2020
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Articles 1–20