Wayne Parker
Wayne Parker
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A technical and economic evaluation of the pyrolysis of sewage sludge for the production of bio-oil
Y Kim, W Parker
Bioresource technology 99 (5), 1409-1416, 2008
Biohydrogen production by anaerobic co-digestion of municipal food waste and sewage sludges
H Zhu, W Parker, R Basnar, A Proracki, P Falletta, M Béland, P Seto
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 33 (14), 3651-3659, 2008
Application of the ADM1 model to advanced anaerobic digestion
WJ Parker
Bioresource technology 96 (16), 1832-1842, 2005
High functional diversity among Nitrospira populations that dominate rotating biological contactor microbial communities in a municipal wastewater treatment plant
E Spasov, JM Tsuji, LA Hug, AC Doxey, LA Sauder, WJ Parker, ...
The ISME Journal 14 (7), 1857-1872, 2020
Buffer requirements for enhanced hydrogen production in acidogenic digestion of food wastes
H Zhu, W Parker, R Basnar, A Proracki, P Falletta, M Béland, P Seto
Bioresource technology 100 (21), 5097-5102, 2009
Impact of FeCl3 dosing on AnMBR treatment of municipal wastewater
Q Dong, W Parker, M Dagnew
Water research 80, 281-293, 2015
Distribution of selected antiandrogens and pharmaceuticals in a highly impacted watershed
MJ Arlos, LM Bragg, WJ Parker, MR Servos
Water research 72, 40-50, 2015
Eliminating methanogenic activity in hydrogen reactor to improve biogas production in a two-stage anaerobic digestion process co-digesting municipal food waste and sewage sludge
H Zhu, W Parker, D Conidi, R Basnar, P Seto
Bioresource technology 102 (14), 7086-7092, 2011
Impact of concentration, temperature, and pH on inactivation of Salmonella spp. by volatile fatty acids in anaerobic digestion
HR Salsali, WJ Parker, SA Sattar
Canadian journal of microbiology 52 (4), 279-286, 2006
Removal and formation of perfluoroalkyl substances in Canadian sludge treatment systems–A mass balance approach
N Lakshminarasimman, SB Gewurtz, WJ Parker, SA Smyth
Science of the Total Environment 754, 142431, 2021
Fate of volatile organic compounds in municipal activated sludge plants
WJ Parker, DJ Thompson, JP Bell, H Melcer
Water environment research 65 (1), 58-65, 1993
Pilot plant study to assess the fate of two volatile methyl siloxane compounds during municipal wastewater treatment
WJ Parker, J Shi, NJ Fendinger, HD Monteith, G Chandra
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: An International Journal 18 (2), 172-181, 1999
Modeling volatile organic sulfur compounds in mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic digestion of methionine
W Du, W Parker
Water Research 46 (2), 539-546, 2012
Long term performance of membranes in an anaerobic membrane bioreactor treating municipal wastewater
Q Dong, W Parker, M Dagnew
Chemosphere 144, 249-256, 2016
Modeling the fate of pesticides in municipal wastewater treatment
HD Monteith, WJ Parker, JP Bell, H Melcer
Water environment research 67 (6), 964-970, 1995
The effect of volatile fatty acids on the inactivation of Clostridium perfringens in anaerobic digestion
H Salsali, WJ Parker, SA Sattar
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 24, 659-665, 2008
Organic phosphorus removal using an integrated advanced oxidation-ultrafiltration process
HE Gray, T Powell, S Choi, DS Smith, WJ Parker
Water Research 182, 115968, 2020
Steam‐Explosion Pretreatment for Enhancing Anaerobic Digestion of Municipal Wastewater Sludge
M Dereix, W Parker, K Kennedy
Water Environment Research 78 (5), 474-485, 2006
An evaluation of protocols for characterization of ozone impacts on WAS properties and digestibility
P Kianmehr, W Parker, P Seto
Bioresource technology 101 (22), 8565-8572, 2010
Simulation of the fate of selected pharmaceuticals and personal care products in a highly impacted reach of a Canadian watershed
MJ Arlos, LM Bragg, MR Servos, WJ Parker
Science of the Total Environment 485, 193-204, 2014
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Articles 1–20