Oveis Pourmehran (PhD)
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Cited by
CFD simulation of airflow behavior and particle transport and deposition in different breathing conditions through the realistic model of human airways
M Rahimi-Gorji, O Pourmehran, M Gorji-Bandpy, TB Gorji
Journal of Molecular Liquids 209, 121-133, 2015
Statistical optimization of microchannel heat sink (MCHS) geometry cooled by different nanofluids using RSM analysis
M Rahimi-Gorji, O Pourmehran, M Hatami, DD Ganji
The European Physical Journal Plus 130 (2), 22, 2015
Numerical optimization of microchannel heat sink (MCHS) performance cooled by KKL based nanofluids in saturated porous medium
O Pourmehran, M Rahimi-Gorji, M Hatami, SAR Sahebi, G Domairry
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 55, 49-68, 2015
Pool boiling heat transfer characteristics of iron oxide nano-suspension under constant magnetic field
MM Sarafraz, O Pourmehran, B Yang, M Arjomandi, R Ellahi
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 147, 106131, 2020
Assessment of the thermal performance of a thermosyphon heat pipe using zirconia-acetone nanofluids
MM Sarafraz, O Pourmehran, B Yang, M Arjomandi
Renewable Energy 136, 884-895, 2019
Simulation of magnetic drug targeting through tracheobronchial airways in the presence of an external non-uniform magnetic field using Lagrangian magnetic particle tracking
O Pourmehran, M Rahimi-Gorji, M Gorji-Bandpy, TB Gorji
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 393, 380-393, 2015
Unsteady squeezing nanofluid simulation and investigation of its effect on important heat transfer parameters in presence of magnetic field
M Rahimi-Gorji, O Pourmehran, M Gorji-Bandpy, DD Ganji
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 67, 467-475, 2016
Fluid and heat transfer characteristics of aqueous graphene nanoplatelet (GNP) nanofluid in a microchannel
MM Sarafraz, B Yang, O Pourmehran, M Arjomandi, R Ghomashchi
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 107, 24-33, 2019
Magnetic drug targeting through a realistic model of human tracheobronchial airways using computational fluid and particle dynamics
O Pourmehran, TB Gorji, M Gorji-Bandpy
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 15 (5), 1355-1374, 2016
Heat transfer and flow analysis of nanofluid flow induced by a stretching sheet in the presence of an external magnetic field
O Pourmehran, M Rahimi-Gorji, DD Ganji
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 65, 162-171, 2016
Development of human respiratory airway models: A review
K Ahookhosh, O Pourmehran, H Aminfar, M Mohammadpourfard, ...
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 105233, 2020
Rheological behaviour of various metal-based nano-fluids between rotating discs: a new insight
O Pourmehran, MM Sarafraz, M Rahimi-Gorji, DD Ganji
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 88, 37-48, 2018
CFD simulation of aerosol delivery to a human lung via surface acoustic wave nebulization
M Yousefi, O Pourmehran, M Gorji-Bandpy, K Inthavong, L Yeo, J Tu
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 16, 2035-2050, 2017
H2O based different nanofluids with unsteady condition and an external magnetic field on permeable channel heat transfer
M Biglarian, MR Gorji, O Pourmehran, G Domairry
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42 (34), 22005-22014, 2017
An analytical investigation on unsteady motion of vertically falling spherical particles in non-Newtonian fluid by Collocation Method
M Rahimi-Gorji, O Pourmehran, M Gorji-Bandpy, DD Ganji
Ain Shams Engineering Journal 6 (2), 531-540, 2015
Transient thermal behavior of radial fins of rectangular, triangular and hyperbolic profiles with temperature-dependent properties using DTM-FDM
S Mosayebidorcheh, M Rahimi-Gorji, DD Ganji, T Moayebidorcheh, ...
Journal of Central South University 24, 675-682, 2017
Heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of MgO nanofluid in a double pipe heat exchanger
H Arya, MM Sarafraz, O Pourmehran, M Arjomandi
Heat and Mass Transfer 55, 1769-1781, 2019
Impact of viscosity variation on oblique flow of Cu–H2O nanofluid
R Tabassum, R Mehmood, O Pourmehran, NS Akbar, M Gorji-Bandpy
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of …, 2018
How severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 aerosol propagates through the age-specific upper airways
MS Islam, P Larpruenrudee, SC Saha, O Pourmehran, AR Paul, T Gemci, ...
Physics of Fluids 33 (8), 2021
Comparison between the volumetric flow rate and pressure distribution for different kinds of sliding thrust bearing
O Pourmehran, M Rahimi-Gorji, M Gorji-Bandpy, M Baou
Propulsion and Power Research 4 (2), 84-90, 2015
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Articles 1–20