Patricia Hswe
Patricia Hswe
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
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The evolving role of the metadata librarian
MJ Han, P Hswe
Library Resources & Technical Services 54 (3), 129-141, 2010
Digital Humanities in Libraries
S Varner, P Hswe
American Libraries, 2016
Data curation network: How do we compare? A snapshot of six academic library institutions’ data repository and curation services
LR Johnston, J Carlson, C Hudson-Vitale, H Imker, W Kozlowski, ...
Journal of eScience Librarianship, 2017
Building professional development opportunities in data services for academic librarians
S Conrad, Y Shorish, AL Whitmire, P Hswe
IFLA journal 43 (1), 65-80, 2017
Using data management plans to explore variability in research data management practices across domains
SW Parham, J Carlson, P Hswe, B Westra, A Whitmire
International Journal of Digital Curation 11 (1), 53-67, 2016
Data management plans as a research tool
L Rolando, J Carlson, P Hswe, SW Parham, B Westra, AL Whitmire
Bulletin of the Association for Information Science and Technology 41 (5), 43-45, 2015
Joining in the enterprise of response in the wake of the NSF data management planning requirement
P Hswe, A Holt
Research Library Issues: A Bimonthly Report from ARL, CNI, and SPARC 274 …, 2011
Using the Audit Checklist for the Certification of a Trusted Digital Repository as a framework for evaluating repository software applications
J Kaczmarek, P Hswe, J Eke, TG Habing
D-lib Magazine 12 (12), 1082-9873, 2006
A new leadership role for libraries
P Hswe, A Holt
2016-03-10]. http://blogs. unimelb. edu. au/libraryintelligencer/2010/11/26 …, 2012
Guide for research libraries: the NSF data sharing policy
Association of Research Libraries, K Strieb
Association of Research Libraries, 2010
The Web Archives Workbench (WAW) tool suite: Taking an archival approach to the preservation of web content
P Hswe, J Kaczmarek, L Houser, J Eke
Library Trends 57 (3), 442-460, 2009
Building a community of curatorial practice at Penn State: A case study
P Hswe, MJ Giarlo, M Belden, K Clair, D Coughlin, L Klimczyk
Extending an LIS data curation curriculum to include Humanities data
AH Renear, LC Teffeau, P Hswe, M Dolan, CL Palmer, MH Cragin, ...
Special Report: Digital Humanities in Libraries: A New American Libraries/Gale Cengage Survey Shows Uncertainty and Adaption in This Growing Field
S Varner, P Hswe
American Libraries, 2016
Extending an LIS data curriculum to include humanities data
A Renear, L Teffeau, P Hswe, M Dolan, CL Palmer, MH Cragin, ...
Digital curation: Practices, promise, and prospects, 191-193, 2009
What you don't know will hurt you: A Slavic scholar's perspective on the practicality, practicability, and practice of digital scholarship
P Hswe
Slavic & East European Information Resources 7 (4), 3-15, 2007
The DART Project: using data management plans as a research tool
A Whitmire, J Carlson, B Westra, P Hswe, SW Parham
OSF, 2016
Data Management Services in Libraries
P Hswe
Special Issues in Data Management 1110, 115-128, 2012
Who’s who in your digital collection: developing a tool for name disambiguation and identity resolution
CJ Godby, P Hswe, L Jackson, J Klavans, L Ratinov, D Roth
Journal of the Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science, 2010
A tale of two internships: developing digital skills through engaged scholarship
P Hswe, T LaLonde, K Miffitt, J O'Sullivan, S Pickle, N Piekielek, H Ross, ...
The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations, 2017
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Articles 1–20