Wojciech Łukasz Dragan
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Cited by
Erotic subset for the Nencki Affective Picture System (NAPS ERO): cross-sexual comparison study
M Wierzba, M Riegel, A Pucz, Z Leśniewska, WŁ Dragan, M Gola, ...
Frontiers in psychology 6, 1336, 2015
Development and Psychometric Properties of MisoQuest—A New Self-Report Questionnaire for Misophonia
M Siepsiak, A Śliwerski, WŁ Dragan
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17, 1797, 2020
Roles of impulsivity, motivation, and emotion regulation in procrastination–path analysis and comparison between students and non-students
M Wypych, J Matuszewski, W Dragan
Frontiers in psychology 9, 336937, 2018
East–west, collectivist-individualist: A cross-cultural examination of temperament in toddlers from Chile, Poland, South Korea, and the US
AM Krassner, MA Gartstein, C Park, WŁ Dragan, F Lecannelier, ...
European Journal of Developmental Psychology 14 (4), 449-464, 2017
The association between dopamine D4 receptor exon III polymorphism and intensity of PTSD symptoms among flood survivors
WL Dragan, W Oniszczenko
Anxiety, Stress, & Coping 22 (5), 483-495, 2009
On the relationship between temperament, metacognition, and anxiety: independent and mediated effects
M Dragan, WŁ Dragan, T Kononowicz, A Wells
Taylor & Francis Group, 2011
Prevalence of misophonia and correlates of its symptoms among inpatients with depression
M Siepsiak, AM Sobczak, B Bohaterewicz, Ł Cichocki, WŁ Dragan
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (15), 5464, 2020
Temperament and anxiety: The mediating role of metacognition
M Dragan, W Dragan
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment 36, 246-254, 2014
Association between dopamine D4 receptor exon III polymorphism and emotional reactivity as a temperamental trait
W Oniszczenko, WL Dragan
Twin Research and Human Genetics 8 (6), 633-637, 2005
Association of a functional polymorphism in the serotonin transporter gene with personality traits in females in a Polish population
WŁ Dragan, W Oniszczenko
Neuropsychobiology 54 (1), 45-50, 2006
The validation of the Polish version of the Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale and its factor structure
M Dragan, M Lis-Turlejska, A Popiel, S Szumiał, WŁ Dragan
European Journal of Psychotraumatology 3 (1), 18479, 2012
Misophonia – a review of research results and theoretical concepts
M Siepsiak, W Dragan
Psychiatr. Pol 53 (2), 447–458, 2019
Psychiatric and audiologic features of misophonia: Use of a clinical control group with auditory over-responsivity
M Siepsiak, M Rosenthal, D Raj-Koziak, W Dragan
Journal of Psychosomatic Research 156, 110777, 2022
Polymorphisms in the serotonin transporter gene and their relationship to two temperamental traits measured by the Formal Characteristics of Behavior-Temperament Inventory …
WŁ Dragan, W Oniszczenko
Neuropsychobiology 51 (4), 269-274, 2005
An association between dopamine D4 receptor and transporter gene polymorphisms and personality traits, assessed using NEO-FFI in a Polish female population
WŁ Dragan, W Oniszczenko
Personality and individual differences 43 (3), 531-540, 2007
Właściwości psychometryczne polskiej wersji The Metacognitions Questionnaire-30
M Dragan, WŁ Dragan
Psychiatria polska 45, 545-553, 2011
Male sexual orientation, gender nonconformity, and neural activity during mental rotations: an fMRI study
M Folkierska-Żukowska, Q Rahman, A Marchewka, M Wypych, ...
Scientific Reports 10, 18709, 2020
Psychometric properties of the polish adaptation of the Infant Behavior Questionnaire—revised (IBQ-R)
WŁ Dragan, G Kmita, K Fronczyk
International Journal of Behavioral Development 35 (6), 542-549, 2011
Genetyka zachowania w psychologii i psychiatrii
W Oniszczenko, WŁ Dragan
Wydawnictwo Naukowe SCHOLAR, 2008
Association between temperament in terms of the Regulative Theory of Temperament and< i> DRD4</i> and< i> DAT1</i> gene polymorphisms
W Oniszczenko, WŁ Dragan
Comprehensive Psychiatry, 2012
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Articles 1–20