Peter Kirton
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Cited by
Introduction to the Dicke Model: From Equilibrium to Nonequilibrium, and Vice Versa
P Kirton, MM Roses, J Keeling, EG Dalla Torre
Advanced Quantum Technologies 2 (1-2), 1800043, 2019
Efficient non-Markovian quantum dynamics using time-evolving matrix product operators
A Strathearn, P Kirton, D Kilda, J Keeling, BW Lovett
Nature communications 9, 3322, 2018
Nonequilibrium model of photon condensation
P Kirton, J Keeling
Physical review letters 111 (10), 100404, 2013
Suppressing and Restoring the Dicke Superradiance Transition by Dephasing and Decay
P Kirton, J Keeling
Physical review letters 118 (12), 123602, 2017
Excitonic spectral features in strongly coupled organic polaritons
JA Ćwik, P Kirton, S De Liberato, J Keeling
Physical Review A 93 (3), 033840, 2016
Exact states and spectra of vibrationally dressed polaritons
MA Zeb, PG Kirton, J Keeling
ACS Photonics 5 (1), 249-257, 2017
Thermalization and breakdown of thermalization in photon condensates
P Kirton, J Keeling
Physical Review A 91 (3), 033826, 2015
Superradiant and lasing states in driven-dissipative Dicke models
P Kirton, J Keeling
New Journal of Physics 20, 015009, 2018
Bath-induced coherence and the secular approximation
PR Eastham, P Kirton, HM Cammack, BW Lovett, J Keeling
Physical Review A 94 (1), 012110, 2016
Exact dynamics of nonadditive environments in non-Markovian open quantum systems
D Gribben, DM Rouse, J Iles-Smith, A Strathearn, H Maguire, P Kirton, ...
PRX Quantum 3 (1), 010321, 2022
Emergence of PT-symmetry breaking in open quantum systems
J Huber, P Kirton, S Rotter, P Rabl
SciPost Phys 9, 052, 2020
Efficient real-time path integrals for non-Markovian spin-boson models
AM Strathearn, BW Lovett, P Kirton
New Journal of Physics 19, 093009, 2017
Supercorrelated radiance in nonlinear photonic waveguides
Z Wang, T Jaako, P Kirton, P Rabl
Physical Review Letters 124 (21), 213601, 2020
Spatial dynamics, thermalization, and gain clamping in a photon condensate
J Keeling, P Kirton
Physical Review A 93 (1), 013829, 2016
Using the environment to understand non-Markovian open quantum systems
D Gribben, A Strathearn, GE Fux, P Kirton, BW Lovett
Quantum 6, 847, 2022
Nonequilibrium magnetic phases in spin lattices with gain and loss
J Huber, P Kirton, P Rabl
Physical Review A 102 (1), 012219, 2020
Exact quantum dynamics in structured environments
D Gribben, A Strathearn, J Iles-Smith, D Kilda, A Nazir, BW Lovett, ...
Physical Review Research 2 (1), 013265, 2020
Organic polariton lasing and the weak to strong coupling crossover
A Strashko, P Kirton, J Keeling
Physical Review Letters 121 (19), 193601, 2018
Phase-space methods for simulating the dissipative many-body dynamics of collective spin systems
J Huber, P Kirton, P Rabl
SciPost Physics 10 (2), 045, 2021
Polarization dynamics in a photon Bose-Einstein condensate
RI Moodie, P Kirton, J Keeling
Physical Review A 96 (4), 043844, 2017
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Articles 1–20