Lewis Molot
Lewis Molot
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Effect of landscape form on export of dissolved organic carbon, iron, and phosphorus from forested stream catchments
PJ Dillon, LA Molot
Water Resources Research 33 (11), 2591-2600, 1997
Dissolved organic and inorganic carbon mass balances in central Ontario lakes
PJ Dillon, LA Molot
Biogeochemistry 36, 29-42, 1997
Cryptic wetlands: integrating hidden wetlands in regression models of the export of dissolved organic carbon from forested landscapes
IF Creed, SE Sanford, FD Beall, LA Molot, PJ Dillon
Hydrological Processes 17 (18), 3629-3648, 2003
A novel model for cyanobacteria bloom formation: the critical role of anoxia and ferrous iron
LA Molot, SB Watson, IF Creed, CG Trick, SK McCabe, MJ Verschoor, ...
Freshwater Biology 59 (6), 1323-1340, 2014
Photolytic regulation of dissolved organic carbon in northern lakes
LA Molot, PJ Dillon
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 11 (3), 357-365, 1997
Humic substances—part 7: the biogeochemistry of dissolved organic carbon and its interactions with climate change
P Porcal, JF Koprivnjak, LA Molot, PJ Dillon
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 16, 714-726, 2009
The effect of El Nino-related drought on the recovery of acidified lakes
PJ Dillon, LA Molot, M Futter
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 46 (1), 105-111, 1997
The role of ammonium and nitrate retention in the acidification of lakes and forested catchments
PJ Dillon, LA Molot
Biogeochemistry 11, 23-43, 1990
Phosphorus and nitrogen export from forested stream catchments in central Ontario
PJ Dillon, LA Molot, WA Scheider
Journal of Environmental Quality 20 (4), 857-864, 1991
Long‐term trends in catchment export and lake retention of dissolved organic carbon, dissolved organic nitrogen, total iron, and total phosphorus: The Dorset, Ontario, study …
PJ Dillon, LA Molot
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 110 (G1), 2005
Storage of terrestrial carbon in boreal lake sediments and evasion to the atmosphere
LA Molot, PJ Dillon
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 10 (3), 483-492, 1996
Long‐term patterns of dissolved organic carbon in lakes across eastern Canada: Evidence of a pronounced climate effect
J Zhang, J Hudson, R Neal, J Sereda, T Clair, M Turner, D Jeffries, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 55 (1), 30-42, 2010
Specific growth rates of freshwater algae in relation to cell size and light intensity
DA Schlesinger, LA Molot, BJ Shuter
Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences 38 (9), 1052-1058, 1981
Enhanced photochemical loss of organic carbon in acidic waters
C Gennings, LA Molot, PJ Dillon
Biogeochemistry 52, 339-354, 2001
Nitrogen mass balances and denitrification rates in central Ontario lakes
LA Molot, PJ Dillon
Biogeochemistry 20, 195-212, 1993
Effect of pH on photo-oxidation of dissolved organic carbon by hydroxyl radicals in a coloured, softwater stream
LA Molot, JJ Hudson, PJ Dillon, SA Miller
Aquatic Sciences 67, 189-195, 2005
Predicting end-of-summer oxygen profiles in stratified lakes
LA Molot, PJ Dillon, BJ Clark, BP Neary
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49 (11), 2363-2372, 1992
Long-term phosphorus budgets and an examination of a steady-state mass balance model for central Ontario lakes
PJ Dillon, LA Molot
Water Research 30 (10), 2273-2280, 1996
Retention and resuspension of phosphorus, nitrogen, and iron in a central Ontario lake
PJ Dillon, RD Evans, LA Molot
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47 (7), 1269-1274, 1990
Temperature dependence of photodegradation of dissolved organic matter to dissolved inorganic carbon and particulate organic carbon
P Porcal, PJ Dillon, LA Molot
PloS one 10 (6), e0128884, 2015
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Articles 1–20