Wojciech Sumelka
Cited by
Cited by
Fractional viscoplasticity
W Sumelka
Mechanics Research Communications 56, 31-36, 2014
Thermoelasticity in the framework of the fractional continuum mechanics
W Sumelka
Journal of Thermal stresses 37 (6), 678-706, 2014
Fractional Euler–Bernoulli beams: Theory, numerical study and experimental validation
W Sumelka, T Blaszczyk, C Liebold
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 54, 243-251, 2015
Limitations in application of finite element method in acoustic numerical simulation
T Łodygowski, W Sumelka
Journal of theoretical and applied mechanics 44 (4), 849-865, 2006
Fractional continua for linear elasticity
W Sumelka, T Blaszczyk
Archives of Mechanics 66 (3), 147-172, 2014
Non‐normality and induced plastic anisotropy under fractional plastic flow rule: a numerical study
W Sumelka, M Nowak
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 2016
Fractional calculus for continuum mechanics-anisotropic non-locality
W Sumelka
arXiv preprint arXiv:1502.02023, 2015
The development of a new shock absorbing uniaxial graded auxetic damper (UGAD)
H Al-Rifaie, W Sumelka
Materials 12 (16), 2573, 2019
A hyperelastic fractional damage material model with memory
W Sumelka, GZ Voyiadjis
International Journal of Solids and Structures 124, 151-160, 2017
The numerical analysis of the intrinsic anisotropic microdamage evolution in elasto-viscoplastic solids
A Glema, T Łodygowski, W Sumelka, P Perzyna
International Journal of Damage Mechanics 18 (3), 205-231, 2009
Brain modelling in the framework of anisotropic hyperelasticity with time fractional damage evolution governed by the Caputo-Almeida fractional derivative
GZ Voyiadjis, W Sumelka
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 89, 209-216, 2019
Modelling of AAA in the framework of time-fractional damage hyperelasticity
W Sumelka, B Łuczak, T Gajewski, GZ Voyiadjis
International Journal of Solids and Structures 206, 30-42, 2020
Application of fractional continuum mechanics to rate independent plasticity
W Sumelka
Acta Mechanica 225 (11), 3247-3264, 2014
Non-local Kirchhoff–Love plates in terms of fractional calculus
W Sumelka
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering 15 (1), 231-242, 2015
A new blast absorbing sandwich panel with unconnected corrugated layers—numerical study
H Al-Rifaie, R Studziński, T Gajewski, M Malendowski, W Sumelka, ...
Energies 14 (1), 214, 2021
A note on non-associated Drucker-Prager plastic flow in terms of fractional calculus
W Sumelka
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 52 (2), 571-574, 2014
On a general numerical scheme for the fractional plastic flow rule
W Sumelka, M Nowak
Mechanics of Materials 116, 120-129, 2018
A theoretical analysis of the free axial vibration of non-local rods with fractional continuum mechanics
W Sumelka, R Zaera, J Fernández-Sáez
Meccanica 50, 2309-2323, 2015
Space-fractional Euler-Bernoulli beam model-Theory and identification for silver nanobeam bending
P Stempin, W Sumelka
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 186, 105902, 2020
Improving the blast resistance of large steel gates—numerical study
H Al-Rifaie, W Sumelka
Materials 13 (9), 2121, 2020
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Articles 1–20