Maria Cristina Foss-Freitas
Maria Cristina Foss-Freitas
Associate Professor of Medicine, São Paulo University
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Cited by
Autologous nonmyeloablative hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes mellitus
JC Voltarelli, CEB Couri, ABPL Stracieri, MC Oliveira, DA Moraes, ...
Jama 297 (14), 1568-1576, 2007
C-peptide levels and insulin independence following autologous nonmyeloablative hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes mellitus
CEB Couri, MCB Oliveira, ABPL Stracieri, DA Moraes, F Pieroni, ...
Jama 301 (15), 1573-1579, 2009
Effects of periodontal therapy on glycemic control and inflammatory markers
PAA O'Connell, M Taba Jr, A Nomizo, MC Foss Freitas, FA Suaid, ...
Journal of periodontology 79 (5), 774-783, 2008
Identifying common and specific microRNAs expressed in peripheral blood mononuclear cell of type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes mellitus patients
CVA Collares, AF Evangelista, DJ Xavier, DM Rassi, T Arns, ...
BMC research notes 6, 1-15, 2013
Impact of periodontitis on the diabetes-related inflammatory status
RS Tunes, MC Foss-Freitas, GR Nogueira-Filho
J Can Dent Assoc 76 (35), 1-7, 2010
Adesão à dieta e ao exercício físico das pessoas com diabetes mellitus
LCGV Boas, MC Foss, MC Foss-Freitas, HC Torres, LZ Monteiro, AE Pace
Texto & Contexto-Enfermagem 20, 272-279, 2011
Baseline characteristics and risk factors for ulcer, amputation and severe neuropathy in diabetic foot at risk: the BRAZUPA study
MCR Parisi, A Moura Neto, FH Menezes, MB Gomes, RM Teixeira, ...
Diabetology & metabolic syndrome 8, 1-8, 2016
Relationship among social support, treatment adherence and metabolic control of diabetes mellitus patients
LC Gomes-Villas Boas, MC Foss, MCF Freitas, AE Pace
Revista latino-americana de enfermagem 20, 52-58, 2012
Prevalence of adults with type 1 diabetes who meet the goals of care in daily clinical practice: a nationwide multicenter study in Brazil
MB Gomes, M Coral, RA Cobas, SA Dib, LH Canani, M Nery, ...
Diabetes Research and clinical practice 97 (1), 63-70, 2012
Relação entre apoio social, adesão aos tratamentos e controle metabólico de pessoas com diabetes mellitus
LC Gomes-Villas Boas, MC Foss, MCF Freitas, AE Pace
Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem 20, 52-58, 2012
Contribution of family social support to the metabolic control of people with diabetes mellitus: A randomized controlled clinical trial
LC Gomes, ACM Coelho, D dos Santos Gomides, MC Foss-Freitas, ...
Applied Nursing Research 36, 68-76, 2017
Relationship between adherence to diet, glycemic control and cardiovascular risk factors in patients with type 1 diabetes: a nationwide survey in Brazil
KAK Davison, CA Negrato, R Cobas, A Matheus, L Tannus, CS Palma, ...
Nutrition journal 13, 1-11, 2014
Adesão de pessoas com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 ao tratamento medicamentoso
LCGV Boas, MC Foss-Freitas, AE Pace
Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem 67, 268-273, 2014
MicroRNA expression profiling and functional annotation analysis of their targets in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus
P Takahashi, DJ Xavier, AF Evangelista, FS Manoel-Caetano, C Macedo, ...
Gene 539 (2), 213-223, 2014
Redução da pressão arterial, da IMC e da glicose após treinamento aeróbico em idosas com diabete tipo 2
LZ Monteiro, CRV Fiani, MCF Freitas, ML Zanetti, MC Foss
Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia 95, 563-570, 2010
Gene expression profiles displayed by peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus focusing on biological processes implicated on the …
FS Manoel-Caetano, DJ Xavier, AF Evangelista, P Takahashi, ...
Gene 511 (2), 151-160, 2012
Skin lesions in diabetic patients
NT Foss, DP Polon, MH Takada, MC Foss-Freitas, MC Foss
Revista de saude publica 39, 677-682, 2005
Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for type 1 diabetes
JC Voltarelli, CEB Couri, ABPL Stracieri, MC Oliveira, DA Moraes, ...
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1150 (1), 220-229, 2008
Prevalence of diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose tolerance in a rural community of Angola
AD Evaristo-Neto, MC Foss-Freitas, MC Foss
Diabetology & metabolic syndrome 2, 1-5, 2010
NLRP3 inflammasome and mineralocorticoid receptors are associated with vascular dysfunction in type 2 diabetes mellitus
NS Ferreira, T Bruder-Nascimento, CA Pereira, CZ Zanotto, DS Prado, ...
Cells 8 (12), 1595, 2019
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Articles 1–20