Balázs Dezső
Balázs Dezső
ELTE, Department of Algorithms And Their Applications
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LEMON–an open source C++ graph template library
B Dezső, A Jüttner, P Kovács
Electronic notes in theoretical computer science 264 (5), 23-45, 2011
Object-based image analysis in remote sensing applications using various segmentation techniques
B Dezso, I Fekete, D Gera, R Giachetta, I László, A Benczúr, B Dezs, ...
Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eotvos …, 2012
Experimental study on graph-based image segmentation methods in the classification of satellite images
B Dezso, R Giachetta, I László, I Fekete
EARSeL eProceedings 11 (1), 12-24, 2012
A fully segment-based method for the classification of satellite images
I László, B Dezső, I Fekete, T Pröhle
Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest, Sectio Computatorica 30 (2009), 157-174, 2009
Image processing methods in raster-vector conversion of topographic maps
B Dezso, I Elek, Z Máriás
Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence …, 2009
Column generation method for an agent scheduling problem
B Dezső, A Jüttner, P Kovács
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 36, 829-836, 2010
A szegmentálás szerepe az űrfelvételek tematikus osztályozásában
I Fekete, B Dezső, I László, K Ócsai
Informatika a felsőoktatásban, 2008
Development of Automatized Raster-Vector Conversion System
B Dezso, I Elek, ZI Máriás
Technical report, Eötvös Loránd University and IKKK, 2007
DBox Developer Environment
B Dezso
Project work documentation, Department of Programming Languages and …, 2005
Optimization methods in remote sensing and geoinformatics
B Dezső
A randomized cost smoothing approach for optical network design
A Juttner, T Cinkler, B Dezso
2007 9th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks 1, 75-78, 2007
Concurrent Implementation of Caches
A Tátrai, B Dezső, I Fekete
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Articles 1–12