Pedro Trancoso
Pedro Trancoso
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology
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The memory performance of DSS commercial workloads in shared-memory multiprocessors
P Trancoso, JL Larriba-Pey, Z Zhang, J Torrellas
Proceedings Third International Symposium on High-Performance Computer …, 1997
Data-driven multithreading using conventional microprocessors
C Kyriacou, P Evripidou, P Trancoso
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 17 (10), 1176-1188, 2006
Initial experiences porting a bioinformatics application to a graphics processor
M Charalambous, P Trancoso, A Stamatakis
Advances in Informatics: 10th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, PCI …, 2005
Trends in high-performance computing
V Kindratenko, P Trancoso
Computing in Science & Engineering 13 (3), 92-95, 2011
TERAFLUX: Harnessing dataflow in next generation teradevices
R Giorgi, RM Badia, F Bodin, A Cohen, P Evripidou, P Faraboschi, ...
Microprocessors and Microsystems 38 (8), 976-990, 2014
Dynamic count filters
J Aguilar-Saborit, P Trancoso, V Muntes-Mulero, JL Larriba-Pey
Acm Sigmod Record 35 (1), 26-32, 2006
Fine-grain parallelism using multi-core, cell/BE, and GPU systems: accelerating the phylogenetic likelihood function
F Pratas, P Trancoso, A Stamatakis, L Sousa
2009 International Conference on Parallel Processing, 9-17, 2009
Exploring graphics processor performance for general purpose applications
P Trancoso, M Charalambous
8th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD'05), 306-313, 2005
Tflux: A portable platform for data-driven multithreading on commodity multicore systems
K Stavrou, M Nikolaides, D Pavlou, S Arandi, P Evripidou, P Trancoso
2008 37th International Conference on Parallel Processing, 25-34, 2008
Detailed characterization of a quad Pentium Pro server running TPC-D
Q Cao, P Trancoso, JL Larriba-Pey, J Torrellas, R Knighten, Y Won
Proceedings 1999 IEEE International Conference on Computer Design: VLSI in …, 1999
Thermal-aware scheduling for future chip multiprocessors
K Stavrou, P Trancoso
EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems 2007, 1-15, 2007
The TERAFLUX project: Exploiting the dataflow paradigm in next generation teradevices
M Solinas, RM Badia, F Bodin, A Cohen, P Evripidou, P Faraboschi, ...
2013 Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, 272-279, 2013
The impact of speeding up critical sections with data prefetching and forwarding
P Trancoso, J Torrellas
Proceedings of the 1996 ICPP Workshop on Challenges for Parallel Processing …, 1996
Hybrid2: Combining caching and migration in hybrid memory systems
E Vasilakis, V Papaefstathiou, P Trancoso, I Sourdis
2020 IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture …, 2020
Thermal-aware scheduling: A solution for future chip multiprocessors thermal problems
K Stavrou, P Trancoso
9th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design (DSD'06), 123-126, 2006
Programming abstractions and toolchain for dataflow multithreading architectures
K Stavrou, D Pavlou, M Nikolaides, P Petrides, P Evripidou, P Trancoso, ...
2009 Eighth International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing …, 2009
Data parallel acceleration of decision support queries using cell/be and gpus
P Trancoso, D Othonos, A Artemiou
Proceedings of the 6th ACM Conference on Computing Frontiers, 117-126, 2009
Fine-grain parallelism using multi-core, Cell/BE, and GPU systems
F Pratas, P Trancoso, L Sousa, A Stamatakis, G Shi, V Kindratenko
Parallel Computing 38 (8), 365-390, 2012
Ddm-cmp: data-driven multithreading on a chip multiprocessor
K Stavrou, P Evripidou, P Trancoso
Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation: 5th …, 2005
Cacheflow: A short-term optimal cache management policy for data driven multithreading
C Kyriacou, P Evripidou, P Trancoso
Euro-Par 2004 Parallel Processing: 10th International Euro-Par Conference …, 2004
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Articles 1–20