Joo Hwan Ko
Joo Hwan Ko
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Disordered-nanoparticle–based etalon for ultrafast humidity-responsive colorimetric sensors and anti-counterfeiting displays
C Jung, SJ Kim, J Jang, JH Ko, D Kim, B Ko, YM Song, SH Hong, J Rho
Science Advances 8 (10), eabm8598, 2022
Flexible, large‐area covert polarization display based on ultrathin lossy nanocolumns on a metal film
JH Ko, YJ Yoo, YJ Kim, SS Lee, YM Song
Advanced Functional Materials 30 (11), 1908592, 2020
A review of tunable photonics: Optically active materials and applications from visible to terahertz
JH Ko, YJ Yoo, Y Lee, HH Jeong, YM Song
IScience 25 (8), 2022
Large‐area virus coated ultrathin colorimetric sensors with a highly lossy resonant promoter for enhanced chromaticity
YJ Yoo†, WG Kim†, JH Ko†, YJ Kim, Y Lee, SG Stanciu, JM Lee, S Kim, ...
Advanced Science 7 (18), 2000978, 2020
Roadmap for phase change materials in photonics and beyond
P Prabhathan, KV Sreekanth, J Teng, JH Ko, YJ Yoo, HH Jeong, Y Lee, ...
Iscience 26 (10), 2023
Humidity‐responsive RGB‐pixels via swelling of 3D nanoimprinted polyvinyl alcohol
B Ko, J Kim, Y Yang, T Badloe, J Park, JH Ko, M Jeong, H Kang, C Jung, ...
Advanced Science 10 (2), 2204469, 2023
Mechanically robust antireflective moth-eye structures with a tailored coating of dielectric materials
YJ Yoo, YJ Kim, SY Kim, JH Lee, K Kim, JH Ko, JW Lee, BH Lee, ...
Optical Materials Express 9 (11), 4178-4186, 2019
Perovskite microcells fabricated using swelling-induced crack propagation for colored solar windows
W Lee, YJ Yoo, J Park, JH Ko, YJ Kim, H Yun, DH Kim, YM Song, DH Kim
Nature communications 13 (1), 1946, 2022
Gires–Tournois Immunoassay Platform for Label‐Free Bright‐Field Imaging and Facile Quantification of Bioparticles
YJ Yoo†, JH Ko†, GJ Lee, J Kang, MS Kim, SG Stanciu, HH Jeong, ...
Advanced Materials, 2110003, 2022
Standard red green blue (sRGB) color representation with a tailored dual-resonance mode in metal/dielectric stacks
DH Kim†, YJ Yoo†, JH Ko†, YJ Kim, YM Song
Optical Materials Express 9 (8), 3342-3351, 2019
Mechanotunable optical filters based on stretchable silicon nanowire arrays
YJ Kim, YJ Yoo, MH Kang, JH Ko, MR Park, DE Yoo, DW Lee, K Kim, ...
Nanophotonics 9 (10), 3287-3293, 2020
Dual-mode colorimetric sensor based on ultrathin resonating facilitator capable of nanometer-thick virus detection for environment monitoring
YJ Yoo†, JH Ko†, WG Kim†, YJ Kim, DJ Kong, S Kim, JW Oh, YM Song
ACS Applied Nano Materials 3 (7), 6636-6644, 2020
Polarization-driven thermal emission regulator based on self-aligned GST nanocolumns
JH Ko, DH Kim, SH Hong, SK Kim, YM Song
iScience, 105780, 2022
Colored, covert infrared display through hybrid planar‐plasmonic cavities
JH Lee, YJ Kim, YJ Yoo, S Chang, GJ Lee, JH Ko, KM Kang, D Chanda, ...
Advanced Optical Materials 9 (17), 2100429, 2021
Functional photonic structures for external interaction with flexible/wearable devices
YJ Yoo, SY Heo, YJ Kim, JH Ko, ZF Mira, YM Song
Nano Research 14, 2904-2918, 2021
Single‐Material, Near‐Infrared Selective Absorber Based on Refractive Index‐Tunable Tamm Plasmon Structure
SH Kim†, JH Ko†, YJ Yoo, MS Kim, GJ Lee, S Ishii, YM Song
Advanced Optical Materials 10 (6), 2102388, 2022
Sub‐1‐volt electrically programmable optical modulator based on active Tamm plasmon
JH Ko, DH Seo, HH Jeong, S Kim, YM Song
Advanced Materials 36 (15), 2310556, 2024
Electrochromic nanopixels with optical duality for optical encryption applications
JH Ko, JE Yeo, HE Jeong, DE Yoo, DW Lee, YW Oh, S Jung, IS Kang, ...
Nanophotonics 13 (7), 1119-1129, 2024
Lithography-free, large-area spatially segmented disordered structure for light harvesting in photovoltaic modules
JH Ko, SH Kim, MS Kim, SY Heo, YJ Yoo, YJ Kim, H Lee, YM Song
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14 (39), 44419-44428, 2022
Trilayered gires–tournois resonator with ultrasensitive slow-light condition for colorimetric detection of bioparticles
J Kang, YJ Yoo, JH Ko, AA Mahmud, YM Song
Nanomaterials 13 (2), 319, 2023
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Articles 1–20