Yazan M. Alsmadi
Yazan M. Alsmadi
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Detailed investigation and performance improvement of the dynamic behavior of grid-connected DFIG-based wind turbines under LVRT conditions
YM Alsmadi, L Xu, F Blaabjerg, AJP Ortega, AY Abdelaziz, A Wang, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 54 (5), 4795-4812, 2018
Robustness of 650-V enhancement-mode GaN HEMTs under various short-circuit conditions
H Li, X Li, X Wang, X Lyu, H Cai, YM Alsmadi, L Liu, S Bala, J Wang
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 55 (2), 1807-1816, 2018
Sliding mode control of power converters: DC/DC converters
YM Alsmadi, V Utkin, MA Haj-ahmed, L Xu
International Journal of Control, 1-22, 2017
High Fidelity Nonlinear IPM Modeling Based on Measured Stator Winding Flux Linkage
LX Dakai Hu, Yazan M. Alsmadi
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 51 (4), 3012 - 3019, 2015
E-mode GaN HEMT short circuit robustness and degradation
H Li, X Li, X Wang, J Wang, Y Alsmadi, L Liu, S Bala
Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2017 IEEE, 1995-2002, 2017
Lifetime test design for second-use electric vehicle batteries in residential applications
H Li, M Alsolami, S Yang, YM Alsmadi, J Wang
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 8 (4), 1736-1746, 2017
A simplified and comprehensive approach to characterize photovoltaic system performance
AH ALQahtani, MS Abuhamdeh, YM Alsmadi
2012 IEEE Energytech, 1-6, 2012
Adaptive constant power control of MHz GaN-based AC/DC converters for low power applications
C Yao, Y Zhang, H Chen, X Zhang, H Li, YM Alsmadi, J Wang
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 54 (3), 2525-2533, 2018
Optimal configuration and energy management scheme of an isolated micro-grid using Cuckoo search optimization algorithm
YM Alsmadi, AM Abdel-hamed, AE Ellissy, AS El-Wakeel, AY Abdelaziz, ...
Journal of the Franklin Institute 356 (8), 4191-4214, 2019
Sliding-mode control of power converters: AC/DC converters & DC/AC inverters
YM Alsmadi, V Utkin, M Haj-Ahmed, L Xu, AY Abdelaziz
International Journal of Control 91 (11), 2573-2587, 2018
IEEE ITRW working group position paper-system integration and application: Silicon carbide: A roadmap for silicon carbide adoption in power conversion applications
J Wang, V Veliadis, J Zhang, Y Alsmadi, PR Wilson, MJ Scott
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine 5 (2), 40-44, 2018
Sliding mode control of underground coal gasification energy conversion process
AA Uppal, YM Alsmadi, VI Utkin, AI Bhatti, SA Khan
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 26 (2), 587-598, 2017
Sliding mode control of photovoltaic based power generation systems for microgrid applications
YM Alsmadi, A Alqahtani, R Giral, E Vidal-Idiarte, L Martinez-Salamero, ...
International Journal of Control 94 (6), 1704-1715, 2021
Realistic optimal power flow of a wind-connected power system with enhanced wind speed model
S Albatran, S Harasis, M Ialomoush, Y Alsmadi, M Awawdeh
IEEE Access 8, 176973-176985, 2020
Comprehensive analysis of the dynamic behavior of grid-connected DFIG-based wind turbines under LVRT conditions
YM Alsmadi, L Xu, F Blaabjerg, AP Ortega, A Wang
2015 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 4178-4187, 2015
Sliding mode control of AC/DC power converters
Y Alsmadi, V Utkin, L Xu
4th International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical …, 2013
Cognitive radio_based backup protection scheme for smart grid applications
MA Hajahmed, M Hawa, LA Shamlawi, S Alnaser, Y Alsmadi, ...
IEEE Access 8, 71866-71879, 2020
Robust multi-objective control design for underground coal gasification energy conversion process
AM Chaudhry, A Arshad Uppal, YM Alsmadi, AI Bhatti, VI Utkin
International Journal of Control 93 (2), 328-335, 2020
New perspectives and applications of modern control theory: In honor of Alexander S. Poznyak
JB Clempner, W Yu
Springer, 2017
An isolated phase-shift-controlled quasi-switched-capacitor DC/DC converter with gallium nitride devices
B Hu, JA Brothers, X Zhang, L Fu, YM Alsmadi, J Wang
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 7 (2), 609-621, 2019
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Articles 1–20