Anna Wetterberg
Cited by
Cited by
Village governance, community life, and the 2014 village law in Indonesia
H Antlöv, A Wetterberg, L Dharmawan
Bulletin of Indonesian economic studies 52 (2), 161-183, 2016
Gauging the effects of social accountability on services, governance, and citizen empowerment
DW Brinkerhoff, A Wetterberg
Public Administration Review 76 (2), 274-286, 2016
The early grade reading assessment: Applications and interventions to improve basic literacy
AK Gove, A Wetterberg
rti Press, 2011
Performance-based public management reforms: experience and emerging lessons from service delivery improvement in Indonesia
DW Brinkerhoff, A Wetterberg
International Review of Administrative Sciences 79 (3), 433-457, 2013
Distance, services, and citizen perceptions of the state in rural Africa
DW Brinkerhoff, A Wetterberg, E Wibbels
Governance 31 (1), 103-124, 2018
Service delivery and legitimacy in fragile and conflict-affected states: Evidence from water services in Iraq
DW Brinkerhoff, A Wetterberg, S Dunn
Public Management Review 14 (2), 273-293, 2012
Membership based organizations of the poor
M Chen, R Jhabvala, R Kanbur, C Richards
Routledge, 2007
The social impact of the crisis in Indonesia: results from a nationwide Kecamatan survey
S Sumarto, A Wetterberg, L Pritchett
East Asia Environment and Social Development Unit [World Bank], 1999
Decentralization as a conflict transformation tool: The challenge in Kosovo
R Gjoni, A Wetterberg, D Dunbar
Public Administration and Development 30 (5), 291-312, 2010
Voice lessons: Local government organizations, social organizations, and the quality of local governance 1
V Alatas, L Pritchett, A Wetterberg
Membership Based Organizations of the Poor, 313-351, 2007
A national snapshot of the social impact of Indonesia's crisis
A Wetterberg, S Sumarto, L Pritchett
Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 35 (3), 145-152, 1999
Crisis, connections, and class: How social ties affect household welfare
A Wetterberg
World Development 35 (4), 585-606, 2007
Crisis, social ties, and household welfare: Testing social capital theory with evidence from Indonesia
A Wetterberg
(No Title), 2005
Citizen engagement, deliberative spaces and the consolidation of a post-authoritarian democracy: The case of Indonesia
H Antlöv, A Wetterberg
International Centre for Local Democracy, Swedish International Centre for …, 2011
Between “Authoritarian” and “Empowered” slum relocation: Social mediation in the case of Ennakhil, Morocco
C Arandel, A Wetterberg
Cities 30, 140-148, 2013
Public–private partnership in labor standards governance: Better factories Cambodia
A Wetterberg
Public Administration and Development 31 (1), 64-73, 2011
My body, my choice... my responsibility: The pregnant woman as caretaker of the fetal person
A Wetterberg
Berkeley Journal of Sociology, 26-49, 2004
The early grade reading assessment: an introduction
A Gove, A Wetterberg
The Early Grade Reading Assessment, 1, 2011
Public services, geography, and citizen perceptions of government in latin america
G Bland, D Brinkerhoff, D Romero, A Wetterberg, E Wibbels
Political Behavior, 1-28, 2021
Governance and Service Delivery: Practical Applications of Social Accountability Across Sectors
A Wetterberg, DW Brinkerhoff, JC Hertz
RTI Press, 2016
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Articles 1–20