Suria Baba
Suria Baba
Associate Professor of Curriculum and pedadgogy
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Cited by
Exploring the role of blended learning for teaching and learning effectiveness in institutions of higher learning: An empirical investigation
B Anthony, A Kamaludin, A Romli, AFM Raffei, D Nincarean A/L Eh Phon, ...
Education and Information Technologies 24, 3433-3466, 2019
Distributed leadership and digital collaborative learning: A synergistic relationship?
A Harris, M Jones, S Baba
British Journal of Educational Technology 44 (6), 926-939, 2013
Concerns of teachers and principals on instructional supervision in three Asian countries
S Sharma, M Yusoff, S Kannan, SB Baba
International Journal of Social Science and Humanity 1 (3), 214, 2011
A managerial perspective on institutions' administration readiness to diffuse blended learning in higher education: Concept and evidence
A Bokolo Jr, A Kamaludin, A Romli, AF Mat Raffei, DN A/L Eh Phon, ...
Journal of Research on Technology in Education 52 (1), 37-64, 2020
Predictors of blended learning deployment in institutions of higher learning: theory of planned behavior perspective
BA Jnr, A Kamaludin, A Romli, AFM Raffei, DNALE Phon, A Abdullah, ...
The International Journal of Information and Learning Technology 37 (4), 179-196, 2020
Service-Learning in Malaysia: Practice and Implementation in Four Public Universties
M Mamat, NN Amran, Z Ismail, M Ibrahim, H Ishak, S Baba
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 10 (4), 1632-1639, 2019
Instructional leadership enhanced creativity in smart classroom activities
Z Aziz, S Baba
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 15, 1566-1572, 2011
English language problem-based learning via user-generated 3D world Roblox module: Need Analysis
NH Mustaf, NH Hussein, S Baba
Kresna Social Science and Humanities Research 1, 1-8, 2020
Amalan kepemimpinan kolaboratif dalam kalangan pemimpin instruksional di sekolah rendah
WNABM Sabri, S Baba
JuPiDi: Jurnal Kepimpinan Pendidikan 4 (3), 1-19, 2017
How the language competence of international students is culturally oriented when learning Indonesian language
RL Tiawati, AB Bidin, S Baba
Studies in Media and Communication 11 (6), 80-89, 2023
The development of an entrepreneurship index for low-income households
MD Ibrahim, AA Mamun, N Othman, MNH Yusoff, NK Samy, S Baba, ...
Business Perspectives and Research 7 (1), 16-29, 2019
Impak Perlaksanaan Service-Learning Di Universiti Awam Malaysia Dalam Dinamika Kefahaman dan Pemikiran Islam Semasa
NN Amran, Z Ismail, M Ibrahim, S Baba, M Mamat, H Ishak, N Azlan
IIUM Press, 2018
Strategi pengajaran dan pembelajaran bestari dalam aktiviti prapenulisan
S Baba
Ijazah Doktor Falsafah. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 2007
Proses pelaksanaan pengurusan kokurikulum yang diamalkan Oleh kumpulan pengurusan kokurikulum di sekolah menegah harian
NAS Mohamed, S Baba
JuPiDi: Jurnal Kepimpinan Pendidikan 3 (3), 17-43, 2017
Language support for learning a second language: What can the Malaysian example offer South Africa?
J Parkinson, S Baba, J Mackay
Language Matters 42 (1), 69-82, 2011
An integrative framework to investigate the impact of blended learning adoption in higher education: A theoretical perspective
BA Jr, A Kamaludin, A Romli, AFM Raffei, DNALE Phon, A Abdullah, ...
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 13 (2), 182-207, 2021
Factor analysis in the adopting of utilization of rice straw waste as feed in South Bontonompo district, Gowa regency
E Sudrajat, S Baba, AA Amrawaty
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 492 (1), 012144, 2020
Challenges and Strengths in Conducting a Qualitative Analysis.
Malaysian Journal of Qualitative Research 4 (1), 2018
Tapping into Graduate Students' Collaborative Technology Experience in a Research Methods Class: Insights on Teaching Research Methods in a Malaysian and American Setting.
MD Vasquez-Colina, P Maslin-Ostrowski, S Baba
International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 29 (2 …, 2017
Kepimpinan instruksional dalam perlaksanaan pendidikan berasaskan pengeluaran di kolej kemahiran tinggi mara dan institut Kemahiran mara
MN Omar, S Baba, S Kannan
Educational Leader (Pemimpin Pendidikan) 4, 39-49, 2016
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Articles 1–20