Université de Rennes 1 INSERM
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Two distinct signaling pathways upregulate NMDA receptor responses via two distinct metabotropic glutamate receptor subtypes
P Benquet, CE Gee, U Gerber
Journal of Neuroscience 22 (22), 9679-9686, 2002
Computational models of epileptiform activity
F Wendling, P Benquet, F Bartolomei, V Jirsa
Journal of neuroscience methods 260, 233-251, 2016
Metabotropic glutamate receptors: intracellular signaling pathways
U Gerber, CE Gee, P Benquet
Current opinion in pharmacology 7 (1), 56-61, 2007
Group I metabotropic glutamate receptors activate a calcium‐sensitive transient receptor potential‐like conductance in rat hippocampus
CE Gee, P Benquet, U Gerber
The Journal of physiology 546 (3), 655-664, 2003
Dynamic reorganization of functional brain networks during picture naming
M Hassan, P Benquet, A Biraben, C Berrou, O Dufor, F Wendling
Cortex 73, 276-288, 2015
Functional connectivity disruptions correlate with cognitive phenotypes in Parkinson's disease
M Hassan, L Chaton, P Benquet, A Delval, C Leroy, L Plomhause, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 14, 591-601, 2017
NMDA receptors and the differential ischemic vulnerability of hippocampal neurons
CE Gee, P Benquet, O Raineteau, L Rietschin, SW Kirbach, U Gerber
European Journal of Neuroscience 23 (10), 2595-2603, 2006
Distinct hyperexcitability mechanisms underlie fast ripples and epileptic spikes
S Demont‐Guignard, P Benquet, U Gerber, A Biraben, B Martin, ...
Annals of neurology 71 (3), 342-352, 2012
Computational modeling of high-frequency oscillations at the onset of neocortical partial seizures: from ‘altered structure’to ‘dysfunction’
B Molaee-Ardekani, P Benquet, F Bartolomei, F Wendling
Neuroimage 52 (3), 1109-1122, 2010
Interictal spikes, fast ripples and seizures in partial epilepsies–combining multi‐level computational models with experimental data
F Wendling, F Bartolomei, F Mina, C Huneau, P Benquet
European journal of Neuroscience 36 (2), 2164-2177, 2012
Future of seizure prediction and intervention: closing the loop
V Nagaraj, ST Lee, E Krook-Magnuson, I Soltesz, P Benquet, PP Irazoqui, ...
Journal of clinical neurophysiology 32 (3), 194-206, 2015
Decreased integration of EEG source-space networks in disorders of consciousness
J Rizkallah, J Annen, J Modolo, O Gosseries, P Benquet, S Mortaheb, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 23, 101841, 2019
Modulation of epileptic activity by deep brain stimulation: a model-based study of frequency-dependent effects
F Mina, P Benquet, A Pasnicu, A Biraben, F Wendling
Frontiers in computational neuroscience 7, 94, 2013
Analysis of intracerebral EEG recordings of epileptic spikes: insights from a neural network model
S Demont-Guignard, P Benquet, U Gerber, F Wendling
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 56 (12), 2782-2795, 2009
Differential calcium-dependent modulation of NMDA currents in CA1 and CA3 hippocampal pyramidal cells
AA Grishin, CE Gee, U Gerber, P Benquet
Journal of Neuroscience 24 (2), 350-355, 2004
Shape features of epileptic spikes are a marker of epileptogenesis in mice
C Huneau, P Benquet, G Dieuset, A Biraben, B Martin, F Wendling
Epilepsia 54 (12), 2219-2227, 2013
COALIA: a computational model of human EEG for consciousness research
S Bensaid, J Modolo, I Merlet, F Wendling, P Benquet
Frontiers in systems neuroscience 13, 59, 2019
Neuron to astrocyte communication via cannabinoid receptors is necessary for sustained epileptiform activity in rat hippocampus
G Coiret, J Ster, B Grewe, F Wendling, F Helmchen, U Gerber, P Benquet
PLoS One 7 (5), e37320, 2012
Muscarinic receptor stimulation reduces NMDA responses in CA3 hippocampal pyramidal cells via Ca2+-dependent activation of tyrosine phosphatase
AA Grishin, P Benquet, U Gerber
Neuropharmacology 49 (3), 328-337, 2005
KCNT1 epilepsy with migrating focal seizures shows a temporal sequence with poor outcome, high mortality and SUDEP
M Kuchenbuch, G Barcia, N Chemaly, E Carme, A Roubertie, M Gibaud, ...
Brain 142 (10), 2996-3008, 2019
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Articles 1–20