Meng-Hui Lim
Meng-Hui Lim
Founder of SmartPeep
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Cited by
A non-invertible randomized graph-based hamming embedding for generating cancelable fingerprint template
Z Jin, MH Lim, ABJ Teoh, BM Goi
Pattern Recognition Letters 42, 137-147, 2014
Generating fixed-length representation from minutiae using kernel methods for fingerprint authentication
Z Jin, MH Lim, ABJ Teoh, BM Goi, YH Tay
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 46 (10), 1415-1428, 2016
Masquerade attack on transform-based binary-template protection based on perceptron learning
YC Feng, MH Lim, PC Yuen
Pattern Recognition 47 (9), 3019-3033, 2014
Biometric feature-type transformation: Making templates compatible for secret protection
MH Lim, ABJ Teoh, J Kim
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 32 (5), 77-87, 2015
Entropy measurement for biometric verification systems
MH Lim, PC Yuen
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 46 (5), 1065-1077, 2015
An efficient dynamic reliability-dependent bit allocation for biometric discretization
MH Lim, ABJ Teoh, KA Toh
Pattern Recognition 45 (5), 1960-1971, 2012
Identifying recurrent and unknown performance issues
MH Lim, JG Lou, H Zhang, Q Fu, ABJ Teoh, Q Lin, R Ding, D Zhang
2014 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 320-329, 2014
Cancelable biometrics
ATB Jin, LM Hui
Scholarpedia 5 (1), 9201, 2010
A novel encoding scheme for effective biometric discretization: Linearly separable subcode
MH Lim, ABJ Teoh
IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 35 (2), 300-313, 2012
Binary feature fusion for discriminative and secure multi-biometric cryptosystems
G Mai, MH Lim, PC Yuen
Image and Vision Computing 58, 254-265, 2017
An enhanced ID-based deniable authentication protocol on pairings
MH Lim, S Lee, Y Park, H Lee
Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2007: International …, 2007
An enhanced one-round pairing-based tripartite authenticated key agreement protocol
MH Lim, S Lee, Y Park, H Lee
Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2007: International …, 2007
Learning discriminability-preserving histogram representation from unordered features for multibiometric feature-fused-template protection
MH Lim, S Verma, G Mai, PC Yuen
Pattern Recognition 60, 706-719, 2016
A secure and efficient three-pass authenticated key agreement protocol based on elliptic curves
MH Lim, CM Yeoh, S Lee, H Lim, H Lee
NETWORKING 2008 Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, Wireless Networks, Next …, 2008
Cryptanalysis on improved Chou et al.'s ID-Based deniable authentication protocol
MH Lim, S Lee, H Lee
2008 International Conference on Information Science and Security (ICISS …, 2008
Dynamic detection-rate-based bit allocation with genuine interval concealment for binary biometric representation
MH Lim, ABJ Teoh, KA Toh
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 43 (3), 843-857, 2013
Linearly separable subcode: A novel output label with high separability for biometric discretization
MH Lim, ABJ Teoh
2010 5th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, 290-294, 2010
Cryptanalysis of Tso et al.’s id-based tripartite authenticated key agreement protocol
MH Lim, S Lee, S Moon
International Conference on Information Systems Security, 64-76, 2007
Fusing binary templates for multi-biometric cryptosystems
G Mai, MH Lim, PC Yuen
2015 IEEE 7th International Conference on Biometrics Theory, Applications …, 2015
Discriminant spectral hashing for compact palmprint representation
YC Chen, MH Lim, PC Yuen, JH Lai
Biometric Recognition: 8th Chinese Conference, CCBR 2013, Jinan, China …, 2013
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Articles 1–20