Nasser Sepehri Javan
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Cited by
Modified Drude model for small gold nanoparticles surface plasmon resonance based on the role of classical confinement
A Kheirandish, N Sepehri Javan, H Mohammadzadeh
Scientific reports 10 (1), 6517, 2020
Self-focusing of circularly polarized laser pulse in the hot magnetized plasma in the quasi-neutral limit
N Sepehri Javan, Z Nasirzadeh
Physics of Plasmas 19 (11), 2012
Theoretical study of terahertz generation by the interaction of two laser beams with graphite nanoparticles
N Sepehri Javan, F Rouhi Erdi
Journal of Applied Physics 122 (22), 223103, 2017
Competition of circularly polarized laser modes in the modulation instability of hot magnetoplasma
N Sepehri Javan
Physics of Plasmas 20 (1), 2013
Modulation instability of an intense laser beam in the hot magnetized electron-positron plasma in the quasi-neutral limit
N Sepehri Javan
Physics of Plasmas 19 (12), 2012
Magnetic field effect on the self-focusing of an intense laser pulse interacting with a bulk medium of graphite nanoparticles
N Sepehri Javan, F Rouhi Erdi, MN Najafi
Physics of plasmas 24 (5), 2017
Modulation instability and soliton formation in the interaction of X-ray laser beam with relativistic quantum plasma
R Roozehdar Mogaddam, N Sepehri Javan, K Javidan, ...
Physics of Plasmas 26 (6), 2019
Self-focusing of an intense laser pulse interacting with a periodic lattice of metallic nanoparticle
N Sepehri Javan
Physics of Plasmas 22 (9), 2015
Collective Cherenkov effect and anomalous Doppler effect in a bounded spatial region
IN Kartashov, MV Kuzelev, AA Rukhadze, N Sepehri Javan
Technical physics 50, 298-307, 2005
Raman parametric excitation effect upon the third harmonic generation by a metallic nanoparticle lattice
N Sepehri Javan
Journal of Applied Physics 118 (7), 2015
Thermal behavior change in the self-focusing of an intense laser beam in magnetized electron-ion-positron plasma
NS Javan, MH Azad
Laser and Particle Beams 32 (2), 321-330, 2014
Polarization effect on the relativistic nonlinear dynamics of an intense laser beam propagating in a hot magnetoactive plasma
N Sepehri Javan, F Adli
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (4 …, 2013
Analytical approach to the surface plasmon resonance characteristic of metal nanoparticle dimer in dipole-dipole approximation
A Kheirandish, NS Javan, H Mohammadzadeh
Plasmonics 15, 1807-1814, 2020
Effect of super-thermal ions and electrons on the modulation instability of a circularly polarized laser pulse in magnetized plasma
R Etemadpour, NS Javan
Laser and Particle Beams 33 (2), 265-272, 2015
Relativistic nonlinear dynamics of an intense laser beam propagating in a hot electron-positron magnetoactive plasma
N Sepehri Javan, F Adli
Physics of Plasmas 20 (6), 2013
Magnetic field effect on fresnel coefficients of the thin slab of graphite nanocomposite
NS Javan, FR Erdi
Plasmonics 14, 219-230, 2019
Polarization effect on the nonlinear dynamics of linear chain of interactional metallic nanoparticles exposed on a laser beam: an analytical approach
A Kheirandish, NS Javan, H Mohammadzadeh
Physica Scripta 93 (9), 095802, 2018
Dielectric coats effect on the third harmonic generation by a metallic nanoparticle lattice exposed to intense laser radiation
N Sepehri Javan, N Amjadi, H Mohammadzadeh
Physics of plasmas 23 (12), 2016
Nonlinear Dynamics of Circularly Polarized Laser Pulse Propagating in a Magnetized Plasma with q ‐Nonextensive Velocity Distributions
R Etemadpour, N Sepehri Javan, D Dorranian
Contributions to Plasma Physics 56 (10), 938-950, 2016
Nonlinear modes of an intense laser beam interacting with a periodic lattice of nanoparticle
N Sepehri Javan, SHH Homami
Physics of Plasmas 22 (8), 2015
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Articles 1–20