Ernisa Marzuki
Cited by
Cited by
Employers’ views on the importance of English proficiency and communication skill for employability in Malaysia
SH Ting, E Marzuki, KM Chuah, J Misieng, C Jerome
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics 7 (2), 315-327, 2017
Congruence between language proficiency and communicative abilities
E Marzuki, SH Ting, C Jerome, KM Chuah, J Misieng
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 97, 448-453, 2013
Linguistic features in SMS apologies by Malay native speakers
E Marzuki
GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies 13 (3), 179, 2013
Adequacy of benefits, distributive justice and individual attitudes and behaviors: A case of public community colleges staff
AB Ismail, OG Leng, EB Marzuki, T Cheekiong
Intangible Capital 4 (4), 212-236, 2008
University students’ communication and employability skills: Mismatch perspectives of students, lecturers, and employers in Sarawak, Malaysia
TWS Ong, SH Ting, H Raslie, E Marzuki, KM Chuah, C Jerome
NOTION: Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Culture 4 (2), 94-104, 2022
English and Malay text messages and what they say about texts and cultures
E Marzuki, C Walter
Open J. Mod. Linguist 3 (4), 295-304, 2013
Closed-loop communication during out-of-hospital resuscitation: Are the loops really closed?
E Marzuki, H Rohde, C Cummins, H Branigan, G Clegg, A Crawford, ...
Communication & Medicine (Equinox Publishing Group) 16 (1), 2019
Schema influence on listening and speaking input retention
E Marzuki
Issues in Language Studies 2 (2), 2013
Pragmalinguistic differences between proficient and less proficient Malay learners of English in request
E Marzuki, E Marzuki, SM Damio, DSH Ting
The Impact of Covid-19 amongst International Students in UNIMAS
FL Michael, SF Salleh, E Marzuki
International Journal of Business and Society 22 (2), 607-617, 2021
Resuscitation procedures as multi-party dialogue
E Marzuki, C Cummins, H Rohde, H Branigan, G Clegg
SEMDIAL 2017 SaarDial, 67, 2017
PP17 Verbalisation of plans during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest resuscitation
E Marzuki, A Crawford, C Cummins, H Rohde, H Branigan, G Clegg
Emergency Medicine Journal: EMJ 36 (1), e7, 2019
Anatomy of dialogue in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest resuscitation
EB Marzuki
The University of Edinburgh, 2020
Pls 4gv Me: Sms Apologies by Malay and English Native Speakers
E Marzuki
University of Oxford, 2010
Use Of TikTok Slang Among Malaysian Generation Z
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Articles 1–15