Balazs Kozma
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Consensus formation on adaptive networks
B Kozma, A Barrat
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 77 (1 …, 2008
Who’s talking first? Consensus or lack thereof in coevolving opinion formation models
C Nardini, B Kozma, A Barrat
Physical review letters 100 (15), 158701, 2008
Consensus formation on coevolving networks: groups' formation and structure
B Kozma, A Barrat
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41 (22), 224020, 2008
Diffusion processes on power-law small-world networks
B Kozma, MB Hastings, G Korniss
Physical Review Letters 95 (1), 018701, 2005
Roughness scaling for Edwards-Wilkinson relaxation in small-world networks
B Kozma, MB Hastings, G Korniss
Physical review letters 92 (10), 108701, 2004
Scaling in small-world resistor networks
G Korniss, MB Hastings, KE Bassler, MJ Berryman, B Kozma, D Abbott
Physics Letters A 350 (5-6), 324-330, 2006
Gradient networks
Z Toroczkai, B Kozma, KE Bassler, NW Hengartner, G Korniss
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41 (15), 155103, 2008
Fisher waves and front roughening in a two-species invasion model with preemptive competition
L O’Malley, B Kozma, G Korniss, Z Rácz, T Caraco
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 74 (4 …, 2006
Stochastic growth in a small world
B Kozma, G Korniss
Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed-Matter Physics XVI: Proceedings of …, 2004
Fisher waves and the velocity of front propagation in a two-species invasion model with preemptive competition
L O'Malley, B Kozma, G Korniss, Z Rácz, T Caraco
Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed-Matter Physics XIX: Proceedings of …, 2009
Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics XVI
B Kozma, G Korniss
Springer Proceedings in Physics 95, 29-33, 2004
Diffusion processes on small-world networks with distance dependent random links
B Kozma, MB Hastings, G Korniss
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2007 (08), P08014, 2007
Processes on annealed and quenched power-law small-world networks
B Kozma, MB Hastings, G Korniss
Noise in Complex Systems and Stochastic Dynamics III 5845, 130-138, 2005
Noise in Complex Systems and Stochastic Dynamics III
K Martens, DL Stein, AD Kent
SPIE, 2005
Adaptive networks: the example of consensus formation.
B Kozma, A Barrat
APS March Meeting Abstracts, P22. 010, 2007
Interdisciplinary Physics: Biological Physics, Quantum Information, etc.-Roughness Scaling for Edwards-Wilkinson Relaxation in Small-World Networks
B Kozma, MB Hastings, G Korniss
Physical Review Letters 92 (10), 108701-109600, 2004
Roughness Scaling for the Edwards-Wilkinson Model on Small-World Substrates
B Kozma, MB Hastings, G Korniss
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2004, Y18. 010, 2004
Critical phenomena in a small world
MB Hastings, B Kozma
Complex Networks, 277-297, 2004
Stochastic Growth in a Small World and Applications to Scalable Parallel Discrete-Event Simulations
H Guclu, B Kozma, G Korniss, MA Novotny, Z Toroczkai, MB Hastings, ...
Science 299, 677, 2003
Abraham, FF, 22 Adler, J., 56 Aoki, KM, 61 Binder, K., 148
T Caraco, BV Costa, PZ Coura, H De Raedt, K De Raedt, WM Dennis, ...
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Articles 1–20