Hayati Sari Hasibuan
Hayati Sari Hasibuan
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The role of transit oriented development in constructing urban environment sustainability, the case of Jabodetabek, Indonesia
HS Hasibuan, TP Soemardi, R Koestoer, S Moersidik
Procedia Environmental Sciences 20, 622-631, 2014
Green open space masterplan at Jakarta Capital City, Indonesia for climate change mitigation
R Setiowati, HS Hasibuan, RH Koestoer
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 200, 012042, 2018
Community knowledge, attitudes and behaviors in prevention of covid-19 transmission: A systematic review
K Ernawati, IB Cantika, RR Isaputri, AW Andari, MF Ramadhan, ...
Int J Public Health Sci 10 (1), 16-26, 2021
Transit-oriented development: towards achieving sustainable transport and urban development in jakarta metropolitan, Indonesia
HS Hasibuan, M Mulyani
Sustainability 14 (9), 5244, 2022
Child-friendly green open space to enhance the education process for children
E Yuniastuti, HS Hasibuan
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 243 (1), 012161, 2019
Alternatives selection for sustainable transportation system in Kasongan City
E Buwana, HS Hasibuan, C Abdini
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 227, 11-18, 2016
Green open space, towards a child-friendly city (A case study in Lembah Gurame Park, Depok City, Jakarta Greater Area, Indonesia)
E Yuniastuti, HS Hasibuan
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 328 (1), 012016, 2019
Policymaking and the spatial characteristics of land subsidence in North Jakarta
HS Hasibuan, RP Tambunan, D Rukmana, CT Permana, BN Elizandri, ...
City and Environment Interactions 18, 100103, 2023
Developing DPSIR Framework for Managing Climate Change in Urban Areas: A Case Study in Jakarta, Indonesia
Y Kristiadi, RF Sari, H Herdiansyah, HS Hasibuan, TH Lim
Sustainability 14 (23), 15773, 2022
Using GIS to integrate the analysis of land-use, transportation, and the environment for managing urban growth based on transit oriented development in the metropolitan of …
HS Hasibuan, S Moersidik, R Koestoer, TP Soemardi
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 18 (1), 012177, 2014
Waste management in Jakarta recycle centre: Case study of Pesanggrahan, Jakarta
MIN Muhashiby, HS Hasibuan, S Wahyono
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 940 (1), 012034, 2021
Creation of the state forest system and its hostility to local people in colonial Java, Indonesia
K Mizuno, HS Hasibuan, M Okamoto, FW Asrofani
Southeast Asian Studies 12 (1), 47-87, 2023
Urban green spaces for support healthiness in Jakarta during the COVID-19 pandemic: A quantitative study
R Setiowati, K Mizuno, HS Hasibuan, RH Koestoer
Environmental Engineering Research 28 (2), 210598, 2022
Planning for urban green area and its importance for sustainability: The case of Jakarta
R Setiowati, HS Hasibuan, RH Koestoer, R Harmain
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 328 (1), 012027, 2019
Riparian tree and bird diversity in Cisadane River, South Tangerang City, Indonesia
U Izzati, HS Hasibuan
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 20 (2), 595-603, 2019
The institutionalisation process of Transit Oriented Development practices for peri-urban development in Indonesia: Actor network perspective
CT Permana, Y Chrisnawati, HS Hasibuan
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 202 (1), 012003, 2018
Spatial Modeling for Residential Optimization in Dukuh Atas Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Area, Jakarta, Indonesia
RM Irsal, HS Hasibuan, SA Azwar
Sustainability 15 (1), 530, 2022
The green open space functions as a water catchment area and a source of thermal comfort
DPP Mbarep, HS Hasibuan, SS Moersidik
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 716 (1), 012127, 2021
Studi Komparasi Perencanaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Perkotaan Antara Jakarta dan Singapura
R Setiowati, HS Hasibuan, RHTS Koestoer
Jurnal Lanskap Indonesia 12 (2), 54-62, 2020
Dampak Perubahan Tutupan Lahan pada Sistem Hidrologi di Jakarta
FE Septriana, NB Alnavis, R Gustia, RR Wirawan, NP Putri, HS Hasibuan, ...
Majalah Ilmiah Globe 22 (1), 51-58, 2020
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