Eduardo Alves
Eduardo Alves
Full Researcher, DECN, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa
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Effect of post-annealing on the properties of copper oxide thin films obtained from the oxidation of evaporated metallic copper
V Figueiredo, E Elangovan, G Goncalves, P Barquinha, L Pereira, ...
Applied Surface Science 254 (13), 3949-3954, 2008
Strain and composition distributions in wurtzite InGaN/GaN layers extracted from x-ray reciprocal space mapping
S Pereira, MR Correia, E Pereira, KP O’Donnell, E Alves, AD Sequeira, ...
Applied physics letters 80 (21), 3913-3915, 2002
Compositional pulling effects in In x Ga 1− x N/G a N layers: A combined depth-resolved cathodoluminescence and Rutherford backscattering/channeling study
S Pereira, MR Correia, E Pereira, KP O’donnell, C Trager-Cowan, ...
Physical Review B 64 (20), 205311, 2001
Characterisation of Ti1− xSixNy nanocomposite films
F Vaz, L Rebouta, P Goudeau, J Pacaud, H Garem, JP Riviere, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 133, 307-313, 2000
Structural, optical and mechanical properties of coloured TiNxOy thin films
F Vaz, P Cerqueira, L Rebouta, SMC Nascimento, E Alves, P Goudeau, ...
Thin Solid Films 447, 449-454, 2004
Influence of nitrogen content on the structural, mechanical and electrical properties of TiN thin films
F Vaz, J Ferreira, E Ribeiro, L Rebouta, S Lanceros-Méndez, JA Mendes, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 191 (2-3), 317-323, 2005
Overview of the JET results in support to ITER
X Litaudon, S Abduallev, M Abhangi, P Abreu, M Afzal, KM Aggarwal, ...
Nuclear Fusion 57 (10), 102001, 2017
Anomalous Ion Channeling in Bilayers: Determination of the Strain State
K Lorenz, N Franco, E Alves, IM Watson, RW Martin, KP O’donnell
Physical review letters 97 (8), 085501, 2006
Microstructure and mechanical properties of nanocomposite (Ti, Si, Al) N coatings
S Carvalho, L Rebouta, A Cavaleiro, LA Rocha, J Gomes, E Alves
Thin Solid Films 398, 391-396, 2001
Metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy and properties of AlInN in the whole compositional range
C Hums, J Bläsing, A Dadgar, A Diez, T Hempel, J Christen, A Krost, ...
Applied Physics Letters 90 (2), 2007
Compositional dependence of the strain-free optical band gap in InxGa1− xN layers
S Pereira, MR Correia, T Monteiro, E Pereira, E Alves, AD Sequeira, ...
Applied physics letters 78 (15), 2137-2139, 2001
Hard nanocomposite Ti–Si–N coatings prepared by DC reactive magnetron sputtering
L Rebouta, CJ Tavares, R Aimo, Z Wang, K Pischow, E Alves, TC Rojas, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 133, 234-239, 2000
Materials design data for reduced activation martensitic steel type EUROFER
AAF Tavassoli, A Alamo, L Bedel, L Forest, JM Gentzbittel, JW Rensman, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 329, 257-262, 2004
Overview of the JET preparation for deuterium–tritium operation with the ITER like-wall
E Joffrin, S Abduallev, M Abhangi, P Abreu, V Afanasev, M Afzal, ...
Nuclear Fusion 59 (11), 112021, 2019
Plasma–wall interaction studies within the EUROfusion consortium: progress on plasma-facing components development and qualification
S Brezinsek, JW Coenen, T Schwarz-Selinger, K Schmid, A Kirschner, ...
Nuclear fusion 57 (11), 116041, 2017
Damage formation and annealing at low temperatures in ion implanted ZnO
K Lorenz, E Alves, E Wendler, O Bilani, W Wesch, M Hayes
Applied physics letters 87 (19), 2005
Identification of the prime optical center in
IS Roqan, KP O'Donnell, RW Martin, PR Edwards, SF Song, A Vantomme, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (8), 085209, 2010
Photoluminescence studies in ZnO samples
C Boemare, T Monteiro, MJ Soares, JG Guilherme, E Alves
Physica B: Condensed Matter 308, 985-988, 2001
Direct evidence for As as a Zn-site impurity in ZnO
U Wahl, E Rita, JG Correia, AC Marques, E Alves, JC Soares, ...
Physical review letters 95 (21), 215503, 2005
Structural and optical properties of InGaN/GaN layers close to the critical layer thickness
S Pereira, MR Correia, E Pereira, C Trager-Cowan, F Sweeney, ...
Applied physics letters 81 (7), 1207-1209, 2002
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Articles 1–20