Chenhui Peng
Cited by
Cited by
Command of active matter by topological defects and patterns
C Peng, Y Turiv, Taras, Guo, QH Wei, O Lavrentovich
Science 354 (6314), 882-885, 2016
Highâ Resolution and Highâ Throughput Plasmonic Photopatterning of Complex Molecular Orientations in Liquid Crystals
Y Guo, M Jiang, C Peng, K Sun, O Yaroshchuk, O Lavrentovich, QH Wei
John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2016
Liquid crystal-enabled electro-osmosis through spatial charge separation in distorted regions as a novel mechanism of electrokinetics
I Lazo, C Peng, J Xiang, SV Shiyanovskii, OD Lavrentovich
Nature Communications 5, 5033, 2014
Polar jets of swimming bacteria condensed by a patterned liquid crystal
T Turiv, R Koizumi, K Thijssen, MM Genkin, H Yu, C Peng, QH Wei, ...
Nature Physics 16, 481-487, 2020
Patterning of Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystals by Photoalignment with Photonic Metamasks
C Peng, Y Guo, T Turiv, M Jiang, QH Wei, O Lavrentovich
Advanced Materials, 10.1002/adma.201606112, 2017
Induced-charge electro-osmosis around metal and Janus spheres in water: Patterns of flow and breaking symmetries
C Peng, I Lazo, SV Shiyanovskii, OD Lavrentovich
Physical Review E 90 (5), 051002, 2014
Liquid crystals with patterned molecular orientation as an electrolytic active medium
C Peng, Y Guo, C Conklin, J Viñals, SV Shiyanovskii, QH Wei, ...
Physical Review E 92 (5), 052502, 2015
Chirality amplification and detection by tactoids of lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals
C Peng, OD Lavrentovich
Soft Matter 11 (37), 7257-7263, 2015
Control of colloidal placement by modulated molecular orientation in nematic cells
C Peng, T Turiv, Y Guo, SV Shiyanovskii, QH Wei, OD Lavrentovich
Science Advances 2 (9), e1600932, 2016
Photopatterned designer disclination networks in nematic liquid crystals
Y Guo, M Jiang, S Afghah, C Peng, RLB Selinger, OD Lavrentovich, ...
Advanced Optical Materials 9 (16), 2100181, 2021
A 3D‐Printed ferromagnetic liquid crystal elastomer with programmed dual‐anisotropy and multi‐responsiveness
Y Sun, L Wang, Z Zhu, X Li, H Sun, Y Zhao, C Peng, J Liu, S Zhang, M Li
Advanced Materials 35 (45), 2302824, 2023
Designs of plasmonic metamasks for photopatterning molecular orientations in liquid crystals
Y Guo, M Jiang, C Peng, K Sun, O Yaroshchuk, OD Lavrentovich, QH Wei
Crystals 7 (1), 8, 2016
Controlling placement of nonspherical (boomerang) colloids in nematic cells with photopatterned director
C Peng, T Turiv, R Zhang, Y Guo, SV Shiyanovskii, QH Wei, J De Pablo, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29 (1), 014005, 2016
Sorting and separation of microparticles by surface properties using liquid crystal-enabled electro-osmosis
C Peng, T Turiv, Y Guo, QH Wei, OD Lavrentovich
Liquid Crystals 45, 1936-1943, 2018
Controlled Dynamics of Neural Tumor Cells by Templated Liquid Crystalline Polymer Networks
J Jiang, NP Dhakal, Y Guo, C Andre, T Lauren, S Omar, C Peng
Advanced Healthcare Materials,, 2020
Self-assembly of Aqueous Soft Matter Patterned by Liquid Crystal Polymer Networks for Controlling Dynamics of Bacteria
NP Dhakal, J Jiang, Y Guo, C Peng
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12, 13680-13685, 2020
Active transformations of topological structures in light-driven nematic disclination networks
J Jiang, K Ranabhat, X Wang, H Rich, R Zhang, C Peng
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (23), e2122226119, 2022
Liquid Crystals-Enabled AC Electrokinetics
C Peng, OD Lavrentovich
Micromachines 10 (1), 45, 2019
Programmable light‐driven liquid crystal elastomer kirigami with controlled molecular orientations
J Chen, AS Johnson, J Weber, OI Akomolafe, J Jiang, C Peng
Advanced Intelligent Systems 4 (7), 2100233, 2022
RGB high brightness LED modules for projection display application
C Peng, X Li, P Zhang, L Xiong, X Liu
Journal of Display Technology 7 (8), 448-453, 2011
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Articles 1–20