Denis Thibault
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Cited by
Residual stress and microstructure in welds of 13% Cr–4% Ni martensitic stainless steel
D Thibault, P Bocher, M Thomas
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 209 (4), 2195-2202, 2009
Impact of startup scheme on Francis runner life expectancy
M Gagnon, SA Tahan, P Bocher, D Thibault
IOP conference series: earth and environmental science 12 (1), 012107, 2010
Residual stress characterization in low transformation temperature 13% Cr–4% Ni stainless steel weld by neutron diffraction and the contour method
D Thibault, P Bocher, M Thomas, M Gharghouri, M Côté
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (23), 6205-6210, 2010
A probabilistic model for the onset of High Cycle Fatigue (HCF) crack propagation: Application to hydroelectric turbine runner
M Gagnon, A Tahan, P Bocher, D Thibault
International Journal of Fatigue 47, 300-307, 2013
Reformed austenite transformation during fatigue crack propagation of 13% Cr–4% Ni stainless steel
D Thibault, P Bocher, M Thomas, J Lanteigne, P Hovington, P Robichaud
Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (21), 6519-6526, 2011
Microstructure characterization and hardness distribution of 13Cr4Ni multipass weld metal
MM Amrei, H Monajati, D Thibault, Y Verreman, L Germain, P Bocher
Materials Characterization 111, 128-136, 2016
Influence of load spectrum assumptions on the expected reliability of hydroelectric turbines: A case study
M Gagnon, A Tahan, P Bocher, D Thibault
Structural Safety 50, 1-8, 2014
The role of high cycle fatigue (HCF) onset in Francis runner reliability
M Gagnon, SA Tahan, P Bocher, D Thibault
IOP conference series: earth and environmental science 15 (2), 022005, 2012
Characteristics of an autogenous single pass electron beam weld in thick gage CA6NM steel
S Sarafan, P Wanjara, H Champliaud, D Thibault
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 78 (9-12 …, 2015
New parameters influencing hydraulic runner lifetime
M Sabourin, D Thibault, DA Bouffard, M Levesque
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 12 (1), 012050, 2010
A Comparison of Residual Stress in Hammer-Peened, Multi-Pass Steel Welds–A514 (S690Q) and S41500
R Simoneau, D Thibault, JL Fihey
Welding in the World 53 (5), 124-134, 2009
The effect of materials properties on the reliability of hydraulic turbine runners
D Thibault, M Gagnon, S Godin
International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems 8 (4), 254-263, 2015
Microstructure Characterization of Single and Multipass 13Cr4Ni Steel Welded Joints
MM Amrei, Y Verreman, F Bridier, D Thibault, P Bocher
Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis, 1-12, 2015
Bridging the gap between metallurgy and fatigue reliability of hydraulic turbine runners
D Thibault, M Gagnon, S Godin
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 22 (1), 012019, 2014
Strain gauge measurement uncertainties on hydraulic turbine runner blade
J Arpin-Pont, M Gagnon, SA Tahan, A Coutu, D Thibault
IOP conference series: earth and environmental science 15 (6), 062042, 2012
On the stochastic simulation of hydroelectric turbine blades transient response
M Gagnon, A Tahan, P Bocher, D Thibault
Mechanical systems and signal processing 32, 178-187, 2012
Effect of inclusions on fracture behavior of cast and wrought 13% Cr-4% Ni martensitic stainless steels
F Foroozmehr, Y Verreman, J Chen, D Thibault, P Bocher
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 175, 262-278, 2017
An open-source engine for the processing of electron backscatter patterns: EBSD-Image
PT Pinard, M Lagacé, P Hovington, D Thibault, R Gauvin
Microscopy and Microanalysis 17 (3), 374-385, 2011
On the fatigue reliability of hydroelectric Francis runners
M Gagnon, A Tahan, P Bocher, D Thibault
Procedia Engineering 66, 565-574, 2013
Methodology for estimating strain gauge measurement biases and uncertainties on isotropic materials
J Arpin-Pont, M Gagnon, AS Tahan, A Coutu, D Thibault
The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 50 (1), 40-50, 2015
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Articles 1–20