Raoul M. Bongers
Raoul M. Bongers
Human Movement Sciences, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen
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Systematic review of the effectiveness of mirror therapy in upper extremity function
D Ezendam, RM Bongers, MJA Jannink
Disability and rehabilitation 31 (26), 2135-2149, 2009
Determining skill level in myoelectric prosthesis use with multiple outcome measures
H Bouwsema, PJ Kyberd, W Hill, CK Van Der Sluis, RM Bongers
Journal of rehabilitation research and development 49 (9), 1331-1347, 2012
The i-LIMB hand and the DMC plus hand compared: a case report
O Van Der Niet Otr, HA Reinders-Messelink, RM Bongers, H Bouwsema, ...
Prosthetics and orthotics international 34 (2), 216-220, 2010
Learning to control opening and closing a myoelectric hand
H Bouwsema, CK van der Sluis, RM Bongers
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 91 (9), 1442-1446, 2010
Movement characteristics of upper extremity prostheses during basic goal-directed tasks
H Bouwsema, CK Van der Sluis, RM Bongers
Clinical Biomechanics 25 (6), 523-529, 2010
Changes in performance over time while learning to use a myoelectric prosthesis
H Bouwsema, CK van der Sluis, RM Bongers
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 11, 1-15, 2014
Efficiency of voluntary opening hand and hook prosthetic devices: 24 years of development?
G Smit, RM Bongers, CK Van der Sluis, DH Plettenburg
Journal of rehabilitation research and development 49 (4), 523-534, 2012
A non‐representational approach to imagined action
I van Rooij, RM Bongers, FG Haselager
Cognitive Science 26 (3), 345-375, 2002
Users’ and therapists’ perceptions of myoelectric multi-function upper limb prostheses with conventional and pattern recognition control
AW Franzke, MB Kristoffersen, RM Bongers, A Murgia, B Pobatschnig, ...
PloS one 14 (8), e0220899, 2019
Musculoskeletal complaints in transverse upper limb reduction deficiency and amputation in the Netherlands: prevalence, predictors, and effect on health
SG Postema, RM Bongers, MA Brouwers, H Burger, ...
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 97 (7), 1137-1145, 2016
Systematic review of pharmacologic treatments of pain after spinal cord injury: an update
S Mehta, A McIntyre, S Janzen, E Loh, R Teasell, SCIRE Team
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 97 (8), 1381-1391. e1, 2016
Information without content: A Gibsonian reply to enactivists’ worries
L van Dijk, R Withagen, RM Bongers
Cognition 134, 210-214, 2015
Task-oriented gaming for transfer to prosthesis use
L Van Dijk, CK van der Sluis, HW van Dijk, RM Bongers
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 24 (12 …, 2015
Learning an EMG controlled game: Task-specific adaptations and transfer
L Van Dijk, CK Van Der Sluis, HW Van Dijk, RM Bongers
PloS one 11 (8), e0160817, 2016
Functionality of i-LIMB and i-LIMB Pulse hands: Case report
O Van Der Niet, CK van der Sluis
Journal of rehabilitation research and development 50 (8), 1123, 2013
Learning to use a body-powered prosthesis: changes in functionality and kinematics
LHB Huinink, H Bouwsema, DH Plettenburg, CK Van der Sluis, ...
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 13, 1-12, 2016
The role of order of practice in learning to handle an upper-limb prosthesis
H Bouwsema, CK van der Sluis, RM Bongers
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 89 (9), 1759-1764, 2008
Variations of tool and task characteristics reveal that tool-use postures are anticipated
RM Bongers, CF Michaels, AW Smitsman
Journal of Motor Behavior 36 (3), 305-315, 2004
Information, perception, and action: A reply to commentators
CF Michaels, R Withagen, DM Jacobs, FTJM Zaal, RM Bongers
Ecological Psychology 13 (3), 227-244, 2001
A vector-integration-to-endpoint model for performance of viapoint movements
D Bullock, RM Bongers, M Lankhorst, PJ Beek
Neural Networks 12 (1), 1-29, 1999
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Articles 1–20