Amber VanDerwarker
Cited by
Cited by
Farming, hunting, and fishing in the Olmec world
AM VanDerwarker
University of Texas Press, 2006
Integrating zooarchaeology and paleoethnobotany
AM VanDerwarker, TM Peres
A Consideration of Issues, Methods, and Cases, 2010
High-precision chronology for Central American maize diversification from El Gigante rockshelter, Honduras
DJ Kennett, HB Thakar, AM VanDerwarker, DL Webster, BJ Culleton, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (34), 9026-9031, 2017
Situating remote sensing in anthropological archaeology
VD Thompson, PJ Arnold III, TJ Pluckhahn, AM Vanderwarker
Archaeological Prospection 18 (3), 195-213, 2011
Archaeological Central American maize genomes suggest ancient gene flow from South America
L Kistler, HB Thakar, AM VanDerwarker, A Domic, A Bergström, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (52), 33124-33129, 2020
War, food, and structural violence in the Mississippian Central Illinois Valley
AM VanDerwarker, GD Wilson
The archaeology of food and warfare: Food insecurity in prehistory, 75-105, 2015
Is it agriculture yet? Intensified maize-use at 1000 cal BC in the Soconusco and Mesoamerica
RM Rosenswig, AM VanDerwarker, BJ Culleton, DJ Kennett
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 40, 89-108, 2015
New World Paleoethnobotany in the New Millennium (2000-2013)
A VanDerwarker, D Bardolph, K Hoppa, H Thakar, L Martin, A Jaqua, ...
Journal of Archaeological Research, 2015
Feasting and status at the Toqua site
AM VanDerwarker
Southeastern Archaeology, 24-34, 1999
Sociopolitics in southeastern archaeology: the role of gender in scholarly authorship
DN Bardolph, AM VanDerwarker
Southeastern Archaeology 35 (3), 175-193, 2016
The UCSB Gender Equity Project: Taking stock of mentorship, equity, and harassment in California archaeology Through qualitative survey data
AM VanDerwarker, KM Brown, T Gonzalez, H Radde
California archaeology 10 (2), 131-158, 2018
Maize adoption and intensification in the central Illinois River valley: an analysis of archaeobotanical data from the Late Woodland to early Mississippian periods (AD 600–1200)
AM VanDerwarker, GD Wilson, DN Bardolph
Southeastern Archaeology 32 (2), 147-168, 2013
Maize and Mississippian beginnings
AM VanDerwarker, DN Bardolph, CM Scarry, GD Wilson
Mississippian beginnings, 29-70, 2017
Regional variation in the importance and uses of maize in the Early and Middle Formative Olmec heartland: New archaeobotanical data from the San Carlos Homestead, southern Veracruz
AM VanDerwarker, RP Kruger
Latin American Antiquity 23 (4), 509-532, 2012
Menus for families and feasts: Household and community consumption of plants at Upper Saratown, North Carolina
AM VanDerwarker, CM Scarry, JM Eastman
The archaeology of food and identity, 16-49, 2007
Farming and foraging at the crossroads: The consequences of Cherokee and European interaction through the late eighteenth century
AM VanDerwarker, JB Marcoux, KD Hollenbach
American Antiquity 78 (1), 68-88, 2013
Revisiting Coweeta Creek: Reconstructing Ancient Cherokee Lifeways in Southwestern North Carolina
CB Rodning, AM VanDerwarker
Southeastern Archaeology 21 (1), 1-9, 2002
Simple measures for integrating plant and animal remains
AM VanDerwarker
Integrating zooarchaeology and paleoethnobotany: A consideration of issues …, 2010
The archaeology of food and warfare
AM VanDerwarker, GD Wilson
Cham, 2016
The Townhouse at Coweeta Creek
CB Rodning
Southeastern Archaeology, 10-20, 2002
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Articles 1–20