Sakib Mostafa
Cited by
Cited by
Diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder based on functional brain networks with deep learning
W Yin, S Mostafa, FX Wu
Journal of Computational Biology 28 (2), 146-165, 2021
Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder Based on Eigenvalues of Brain Networks
S Mostafa, L Tang, FX Wu
IEEE Access 7 (1), 128474-128486, 2019
Diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder with convolutional autoencoder and structural MRI images
S Mostafa, FX Wu
Neural engineering techniques for autism spectrum disorder, 23-38, 2021
Autoencoder based methods for diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder
S Mostafa, W Yin, FX Wu
International conference on computational advances in bio and medical …, 2019
A network clustering based feature selection strategy for classifying autism spectrum disorder
L Tang, S Mostafa, B Liao, FX Wu
BMC Medical Genomics 12 (7), 153, 2019
Visualizing feature maps for model selection in convolutional neural networks
S Mostafa, D Mondal, M Beck, C Bidinosti, C Henry, I Stavness
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2021
Leveraging Guided Backpropagation to Select Convolutional Neural Networks for Plant Classification
S Mostafa, D Mondal, MA Beck, CP Bidinosti, CJ Henry, I Stavness
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 5, 871162, 2022
Explainable deep learning in plant phenotyping
S Mostafa, D Mondal, K Panjvani, L Kochian, I Stavness
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 6, 1203546, 2023
A new chaos based medical image encryption scheme
S Mostafa, MANI Fahim, ABMA Hossain
2017 6th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision …, 2017
Diagnosis of ASD from rs-fMRI images based on brain dynamic networks
H Guo, W Yin, S Mostafa, FX Wu
Bioinformatics Research and Applications: 16th International Symposium …, 2020
Alignment of 3-D scanning data for polygonal mesh based on modified triangulation
MANI Fahim, S Mostafa, J Tasnim, ABMA Hossain
2017 6th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision …, 2017
On the evolution of neuron communities in a deep learning architecture
S Mostafa, D Mondal
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.04693, 2021
Machine Learning for the Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder
S Mostafa
University of Saskatchewan, 2019
An approach to effective 3D reconstruction based on point cloud merging
S Mostafa, MANI Fahim, J Tasnim
2016 IEEE International WIE Conference on Electrical and Computer …, 2016
An adaptive reconfigurable Radix-2n FFT/IFFT architecture
M Jahiruzzaman, MANI Fahim, S Mostafa, ABMA Hossain
2016 5th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision …, 2016
Simulation study on nonlinear ultrasound imaging using different realistic synthetic phantoms
N Zahan, ABMA Hossain, S Mostafa
2015 IEEE International WIE Conference on Electrical and Computer …, 2015
Feature transformation for improved software bug detection and commit classification
S Mostafa, ST Cynthia, B Roy, D Mondal
Journal of Systems and Software, 112205, 2024
Improving Deep Learning Classifiers for Plant Phenotyping using XAI Techniques
S Mostafa
Towards Federated Learning for Privacy-Preserving Analysis of Agricultural Data
M Khalaj, S Mostafa, D Mondal, I Stavness
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Articles 1–19