Catherine Liston-Heyes
Catherine Liston-Heyes
Professor of Business and Government, University of Sussex Business School
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Competition and regulation in the taxi industry
RD Cairns, C Liston-Heyes
Journal of Public Economics 59 (1), 1-15, 1996
Price-cap versus rate-of-return regulation. 5(1), 25-48.
C Liston
Journal of Regulatory Economics 5 (1), 25-48, 1993
Is production and operations management a discipline? A citation/co-citation study
A Pilkington, C Liston-Heyes
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 19 (1), 7-20, 1999
Recreational benefits from the dartmoor national park
C Liston-Heyes, A Heyes
Journal of Environmental Management 55 (2), 69-80, 1999
Employee participation in cause-related marketing strategies: A study of management perceptions from British consumer service industries
G Liu, C Liston-Heyes, WW Ko
Journal of Business Ethics 92, 195-210, 2010
An investigation of real versus perceived CSP in S&P-500 firms
C Liston-Heyes, G Ceton
Journal of Business Ethics 89, 283-296, 2009
Stakeholders pressures and strategic prioritisation: An empirical analysis of environmental responses in Argentinean firms
DA Vazquez-Brust, C Liston-Heyes, JA Plaza-Úbeda, J Burgos-Jiménez
Journal of Business Ethics 91, 171-192, 2010
The ‘win–win’paradigm and stakeholder integration
JA Plaza‐Úbeda, J Burgos‐Jiménez, DA Vazquez, C Liston‐Heyes
Business Strategy and the Environment 18 (8), 487-499, 2009
Environmental management intentions: An empirical investigation of Argentina's polluting firms
DAV Brust, C Liston-Heyes
Journal of Environmental Management 91 (5), 1111-1122, 2010
Inventive concentration in the production of green technology: A comparative analysis of fuel cell patents
C Liston-Heyes, A Pilkington
Science and Public Policy 31 (1), 15-25, 2004
Cause-related marketing in the retail and finance sectors: An exploratory study of the determinants of cause selection and nonprofit alliances
C Liston-Heyes, G Liu
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 39 (1), 77-101, 2010
Corporate social performance and politics: Do liberals do more?
C Liston-Heyes, GC Ceton
Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 95-108, 2007
A study of non-profit organisations in cause-related marketing: Stakeholder concerns and safeguarding strategies
C Liston-Heyes, G Liu
European Journal of Marketing 47 (11/12), 1954-1974, 2013
Consumer socialization in a wired world: The effects of internet use and parental communication on the development of skepticism to advertising
D Moscardelli, C Liston-Heyes
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 13 (3), 62-75, 2005
Real versus perceived values of air miles
C Liston-Heyes
Journal of Consumer Policy 25, 126, 2002
Environmental protection in environmentally reactive firms: Lessons from corporate Argentina
C Liston-Heyes, DA Vazquez Brust
Journal of Business Ethics 135, 361-379, 2016
Setting the stakes in environmental contests
C Liston-Heyes
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 41 (1), 1-12, 2001
Corporate discourse and environmental performance in Argentina
DA Vazquez, C Liston‐Heyes
Business Strategy and the Environment 17 (3), 179-193, 2008
Teens surfing the net: How do they learn to protect their privacy?
DM Moscardelli, C Liston-Heyes
Journal of Business & Economics Research (JBER) 2 (9), 2004
Burdens of transparency: An analysis of public sector internal auditing
C Liston‐Heyes, L Juillet
Public Administration 98 (3), 659-674, 2020
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Articles 1–20