Alexander Mohr
Alexander Mohr
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Beyond entry mode choice: Explaining the conversion of joint ventures into wholly owned subsidiaries in the People's Republic of China
JF Puck, D Holtbrügge, AT Mohr
Journal of international business studies 40, 388-404, 2009
Internationalization speed and firm performance: A study of the market-seeking expansion of retail MNEs
A Mohr, G Batsakis
Management International Review 57, 153-177, 2017
Role conflict, general manager job satisfaction and stress and the performance of IJVs
AT Mohr, JF Puck
European Management Journal 25 (1), 25-35, 2007
Cultural determinants of learning style preferences
D Holtbrügge, AT Mohr
Academy of Management Learning & Education 9 (4), 622-637, 2010
Outward foreign direct investment from emerging economies: Escaping home country regulative voids
C Stoian, A Mohr
International Business Review 25 (5), 1124-1135, 2016
Exploring the adjustment of American expatriate spouses in Germany
AT Mohr, S Klein
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 15 (7), 1189-1206, 2004
Intangible assets, international experience and the internationalisation speed of retailers
A Mohr, G Batsakis
International Marketing Review 31 (6), 601-620, 2014
Flying under the radar: Foreign firm visibility and the efficacy of political strategies in emerging economies
JF Puck, H Rogers, AT Mohr
International Business Review 22 (6), 1021-1033, 2013
Managing functional diversity to improve the performance of international joint ventures
AT Mohr, JF Puck
Long Range Planning 38 (2), 163-182, 2005
Revisiting the trust-performance link in strategic alliances
AT Mohr, J Puck
Management International Review 53, 269-289, 2013
Learning style preferences and the perceived usefulness of e-learning
A Toni Mohr, D Holtbrügge, N Berg
Teaching in Higher Education 17 (3), 309-322, 2012
Forms of cross‐border mobility and social capital in multinational enterprises
Ö Bozkurt, AT Mohr
Human Resource Management Journal 21 (2), 138-155, 2011
The contingent effects of role ambiguity and role novelty on expatriates' work‐related outcomes
N Kawai, A Mohr
British Journal of Management 26 (2), 163-181, 2015
Why we should stop using the Kogut and Singh index
P Konara, A Mohr
Management International Review 59, 335-354, 2019
Resource tangibility and foreign firms’ corporate political strategies in emerging economies: Evidence from India
V Shirodkar, AT Mohr
Management International Review 55, 801-825, 2015
A multiple constituency approach to IJV performance measurement
AT Mohr
Journal of World Business 41 (3), 247-260, 2006
The contingent effect of state participation on the dissolution of international joint ventures: A resource dependence approach
A Mohr, C Wang, F Fastoso
Journal of International Business Studies 47, 408-426, 2016
The impact of partner diversity within multiparty international joint ventures
A Mohr, C Wang, A Goerzen
International Business Review 25 (4), 883-894, 2016
Testing the regional performance of multinational enterprises in the retail sector: The moderating effects of timing, speed and experience
A Mohr, F Fastoso, C Wang, V Shirodkar
British Journal of Management 25, S100-S115, 2014
The contingent effect of TMT international experience on firms’ internationalization speed
A Mohr, G Batsakis
British Journal of Management 30 (4), 869-887, 2019
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Articles 1–20