Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mech. Eng, K.S. Institute of Technology, Bengaluru 560109
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Cited by
Processing of B4C Particulate Reinforced 6061Aluminum Matrix Composites by melt stirring involving two-step addition
V Auradi, GL Rajesh, SA Kori
Procedia Materials Science 6, 1068-1076, 2014
Preparation and Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of 6061Al–B4Cp Composites Produced via Two-Stage Melt Stirring
V Auradi, GL Rajesh, SA Kori
Materials and Manufacturing Processes 29 (2), 194-200, 2014
Mechanical behaviour and dry sliding wear properties of ceramic boron carbide particulate reinforced Al6061 matrix composites
GL Rajesh, V Auradi, SA Kori
Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society 75 (2), 112-119, 2016
Tensile and compression behaviour of boron carbide reinforced 6061Al MMC’s processed through conventional melt stirring
VA Kumar, MP Anil, GL Rajesh, V Hiremath, V Auradi
Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (8), 16141-16145, 2018
Studies on Mechanical and Machinability Properties of B4Cp Reinforced 6061Aluminum MMC Produced via Melt Stirring
V Hiremath, ST Dundur, RL Bharath, GL Rajesh, V Auradi
Applied Mechanics and Materials 592, 744-748, 2014
Investigation on mechanical properties of B4C particulate reinforced Al6061 metal matrix composites
GL Rajesh, PV Badiger, V Hiremath, V Auradi, SA Kori
Int. J. Appl. Eng. Res 10, 494-497, 2015
Studies on dry sliding wear characteristics of cermet WC-Co particulate reinforced Al7075 metal matrix composite
UBG Krishna, P Ranganatha, GL Rajesh, V Auradi, SM Kumar, ...
Materials Today: Proceedings 16, 343-350, 2019
Processing and Evaluation of Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of B4Cp Reinforced Aluminium Matrix Composites
GL Rajesh, V Auradi, SA Kori
Procedia Materials Science 5, 289-294, 2014
Processing and evaluation of Al/B4C particulate MMC’s: Tensile strength and wear properties under different elevated temperature test condition
RG Lakshmikantha, V Auradi
Materials Today: Proceedings 28, 504-509, 2020
Influence of ceramic B4C particulate addition on tensile behavior of 6061 aluminum matrix: Paper presented at “International Conference an Advances in Design …
SP Rajagopal, RG Lakshmikantha, A Virupaxi, KS Amarappa
International Journal of Materials Research 107 (5), 439-445, 2016
Preparation, characterization and evaluation of mechanical properties of 6061Al-reinforced B4C particulate composites via two-stage melt stirring
V Auradi, GL Rajesh, SA Kori
Materials and Manufacturing Processes 29 (2), 194-200, 2014
High Temperature Wear Properties of Artificially Aged 6061Al-B4CpMetal Matrix Composite
R Akash, S Amar, GL Rajesh, V Hiremath, V Auradi
Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (8), 16080-16084, 2018
The wear properties of ceramic B4C/Al matrix composite at elevated temperature under dry sliding
RG Lakshmikantha, S Nanjundaswamy, TK Jayaprakash, RK Ravindra, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 2204 (1), 2020
Preparation and Characterization of 6061Al-B 4 C particulate reinforced composites produced by melt stirring using novel two stage mixing and evaluation of their mechanical …
GL Rajesh, V Auradi
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Articles 1–14