Ian Bosdet
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Cited by
Genome sequence of the Brown Norway rat yields insights into mammalian evolution
University of Utah Weiss Robert B. 14 Dunn Diane M. 14, ...
Nature 428 (6982), 493-521, 2004
The Genome of the Sea Urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus
E Sodergren, GM Weinstock, EH Davidson, RA Cameron, RA Gibbs, ...
Science 314 (5801), 941-952, 2006
The Genome of the Basidiomycetous Yeast and Human Pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans
BJ Loftus, E Fung, P Roncaglia, D Rowley, P Amedeo, D Bruno, ...
Science 307 (5713), 1321-1324, 2005
A physical map of the mouse genome
SG Gregory, M Sekhon, J Schein, S Zhao, K Osoegawa, CE Scott, ...
Nature 418 (6899), 743-750, 2002
Homologous recombination deficiency and platinum-based therapy outcomes in advanced breast cancer
EY Zhao, Y Shen, E Pleasance, K Kasaian, S Leelakumari, M Jones, ...
Clinical Cancer Research 23 (24), 7521-7530, 2017
A set of BAC clones spanning the human genome
M Krzywinski, I Bosdet, D Smailus, R Chiu, C Mathewson, N Wye, ...
Nucleic acids research 32 (12), 3651-3660, 2004
A physical map of the genome of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar
SHS Ng, CG Artieri, IE Bosdet, R Chiu, RG Danzmann, WS Davidson, ...
Genomics 86 (4), 396-404, 2005
A physical map of the bovine genome
WM Snelling, R Chiu, JE Schein, M Hobbs, CA Abbey, DL Adelson, ...
Genome Biology 8, 1-17, 2007
Suppressed recombination around the MXC3 locus, a major gene for resistance to poplar leaf rust
B Stirling, G Newcombe, J Vrebalov, I Bosdet, HD Bradshaw Jr
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 103, 1129-1137, 2001
A physical map of the highly heterozygous Populus genome: integration with the genome sequence and genetic map and analysis of haplotype variation
CT Kelleher, R Chiu, H Shin, IE Bosdet, MI Krzywinski, CD Fjell, J Wilkin, ...
The Plant Journal 50 (6), 1063-1078, 2007
Integrated and sequence-ordered BAC-and YAC-based physical maps for the rat genome
M Krzywinski, J Wallis, C Gösele, I Bosdet, R Chiu, T Graves, O Hummel, ...
Genome Research 14 (4), 766-779, 2004
Software for automated analysis of DNA fingerprinting gels
DR Fuhrmann, MI Krzywinski, R Chiu, P Saeedi, JE Schein, IE Bosdet, ...
Genome Research 13 (5), 940-953, 2003
Physical maps for genome analysis of serotype A and D strains of the fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans
JE Schein, KL Tangen, R Chiu, H Shin, KB Lengeler, WK MacDonald, ...
Genome research 12 (9), 1445-1453, 2002
Data sharing as a national quality improvement program: reporting on BRCA1 and BRCA2 variant-interpretation comparisons through the Canadian Open Genetics Repository (COGR)
MS Lebo, KR Zakoor, K Chun, MD Speevak, JS Waye, E McCready, ...
Genetics in Medicine 20 (3), 294-302, 2018
Genome resource for the indonesian coelacanth, Latimeria menadoensis
J Danke, T Miyake, T Powers, J Schein, H Shin, I Bosdet, M Erdmann, ...
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Comparative Experimental Biology 301 …, 2004
A Clinically Validated Diagnostic Second-Generation Sequencing Assay for Detection of Hereditary BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutations
IE Bosdet, TR Docking, YS Butterfield, AJ Mungall, T Zeng, RJ Coope, ...
The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics 15 (6), 796-809, 2013
A BAC-based physical map of the Drosophila buzzatii genome
J González, M Nefedov, I Bosdet, F Casals, O Calvete, A Delprat, H Shin, ...
Genome Research 15 (6), 885-892, 2005
Internet Contig Explorer (iCE)—a tool for visualizing clone fingerprint maps
CD Fjell, I Bosdet, JE Schein, SJM Jones, MA Marra
Genome research 13 (6a), 1244-1249, 2003
Data sharing to improve concordance in variant interpretation across laboratories: results from the Canadian Open Genetics Repository
C Mighton, AC Smith, J Mayers, R Tomaszewski, S Taylor, S Hume, ...
Journal of medical genetics 59 (6), 571-578, 2022
MET exon 14 skipping mutation positive non-small cell lung cancer: response to systemic therapy
SK Wong, D Alex, I Bosdet, C Hughesman, A Karsan, S Yip, C Ho
Lung Cancer 154, 142-145, 2021
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