Johan Woltjer
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Cited by
Consensus Planning: The Relevance of Communicative Planning Theory in Duth Infrastructure Development: The Relevance of Communicative Planning Theory in Duth Infrastructure …
J Woltjer
Routledge, 2017
Carbon emissions of cities from a consumption-based perspective
Z Mi, J Zheng, J Meng, H Zheng, X Li, DM Coffman, J Woltjer, S Wang, ...
Applied Energy 235, 509-518, 2019
A strategy-based framework for assessing the flood resilience of cities–A Hamburg case study
B Restemeyer, J Woltjer, M van den Brink
Planning Theory & Practice 16 (1), 45-62, 2015
Facetten van de planologie
H Voogd, J Woltjer
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2009
A global review on peri-urban development and planning
J Woltjer
Jurnal Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota 25 (1), 1-16, 2014
Integrating water management and spatial planning: strategies based on the Dutch experience
J Woltjer, N Al
Journal of the American Planning Association 73 (2), 211-222, 2007
Peri-urbanisation in East Asia: A new challenge for planning?
D Hudalah, H Winarso, J Woltjer
International Development Planning Review 29 (4), 503-519, 2007
Spatial planning system in transitional Indonesia
D Hudalah, J Woltjer
International Planning Studies 12 (3), 291-303, 2007
Extended urbanization in small and medium-sized cities: The case of Cirebon, Indonesia
FZ Fahmi, D Hudalah, P Rahayu, J Woltjer
Habitat International 42, 1-10, 2014
Industrial land development and manufacturing deconcentration in Greater Jakarta
D Hudalah, D Viantari, T Firman, J Woltjer
Urban Geography 34 (7), 950-971, 2013
Decentralization and governance for sustainable society in Indonesia
RL Holzhacker, R Wittek, J Woltjer
Decentralization and governance in Indonesia, 3-29, 2015
Conflicts in urban fringe in the transformation era: An examination of performance of the metropolitan growth management in Beijing
P Zhao, B Lü, J Woltjer
Habitat International 33 (4), 347-356, 2009
Linking the ecosystem services approach to social preferences and needs in integrated coastal land use management–A planning approach
L Karrasch, T Klenke, J Woltjer
Land Use Policy 38, 522-532, 2014
The communicative ideology in spatial planning: some critical reflections based on the Dutch experience
H Voogd, J Woltjer
Environment and Planning B: Planning and design 26 (6), 835-854, 1999
Gentrifying the peri-urban: Land use conflicts and institutional dynamics at the frontier of an Indonesian metropolis
D Hudalah, H Winarso, J Woltjer
Urban studies 53 (3), 593-608, 2016
New concepts of strategic spatial planning dilemmas in the Dutch Randstad region
W Salet, J Woltjer
International Journal of Public Sector Management 22 (3), 235-248, 2009
British discretion in Dutch planning: Establishing a comparative perspective for regional planning and local development in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom
LB Janssen-Jansen, J Woltjer
Land Use Policy 27 (3), 906-916, 2010
The'public support machine': Notions of the function of participatory planning by Dutch infrastructure planners
J Woltjer
Planning Practice and Research 17 (4), 437-453, 2002
Socio-spatial inequalities in flood resilience: Rainfall flooding in the city of Arnhem
SA Forrest, EM Trell, J Woltjer
Cities 105, 102843, 2020
Between adaptability and the urge to control: making long-term water policies in the Netherlands
B Restemeyer, M van den Brink, J Woltjer
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 60 (5), 920-940, 2017
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Articles 1–20