Christopher Teh Boon Sung
Christopher Teh Boon Sung
Dept. Land Management, Fac. of Agriculture, Uni. Putra Malaysia
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Cited by
Validation of CA-Markov for simulation of land use and cover change in the Langat Basin, Malaysia
H Memarian, SK Balasundram, JB Talib, CTB Sung, AM Sood, ...
Scientific Research Publishing, 2012
Detecting and analyzing land use and land cover changes in the region of Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar, Libya using time-series landsat data from 1985 to 2017
JS Alawamy, SK Balasundram, AH Mohd. Hanif, CT Boon Sung
Sustainability 12 (11), 4490, 2020
Non-destructive estimation of maize leaf area, fresh weight, and dry weight using leaf length and leaf width
H Mokhtarpour, CBS Teh, G Saleh, AB Selamat, ME Asadi, B Kamkar
Communications in Biometry and Crop Science 5 (1), 19-26, 2010
SWAT-based hydrological modelling of tropical land-use scenarios
H Memarian, SK Balasundram, KC Abbaspour, JB Talib, CT Boon Sung, ...
Hydrological sciences journal 59 (10), 1808-1829, 2014
Introduction to mathematical modeling of crop growth: How the equations are derived and assembled into a computer model
Dissertation. com, 2006
Availability, use, and removal of oil palm biomass in Indonesia
CTB Sung, 2016
Effect of four soil and water conservation practices on soil physical processes in a non-terraced oil palm plantation
A Moradi, CTB Sung, KJ Goh, AHM Hanif, CF Ishak
Soil and Tillage Research 145, 62-71, 2015
Impacts of climate change on soybean production under different treatments of field experiments considering the uncertainty of general circulation models
HA Araji, A Wayayok, AM Bavani, E Amiri, AF Abdullah, J Daneshian, ...
Agricultural Water Management 205, 63-71, 2018
Decomposition and nutrient release temporal pattern of oil palm residues
A Moradi, CBS Teh, KJ Goh, MHA Husni, CF Ishak
Annals of Applied Biology 164 (2), 208-219, 2014
Reducing runoff loss of applied nutrients in oil palm cultivation using controlled‐release fertilizers
A Bah, MHA Husni, CBS Teh, MY Rafii, SR Syed Omar, OH Ahmed
Advances in Agriculture 2014 (1), 285387, 2014
Soil physics analyses: volume 1
CBS Teh, J Talib
Evaluation of four soil conservation practices in a non‐terraced oil palm plantation
A Moradi, CT Boon Sung, GK Joo, AH Mohd Hanif, CF Ishak
Agronomy Journal 104 (6), 1727-1740, 2012
Effects of drip irrigation frequency, fertilizer sources and their interaction on the dry matter and yield components of sweet corn
MA Muhumed, S Jusop, CTB Sung, PEM Wahab, QA Panhwar
Australian Journal of Crop Science 8 (2), 223-231, 2014
KINEROS2 application for land use/cover change impact analysis at the H ulu L angat B asin, M alaysia
H Memarian, SK Balasundram, JB Talib, C Teh Boon Sung, A Mohd Sood, ...
Water and Environment Journal 27 (4), 549-560, 2013
Physical changes to oil palm empty fruit bunches (EFB) and EFB mat (Ecomat) during their decomposition in the field
CTB Sung, GK Joo, KN Kamarudin
Pertanika J. Trop. Agric. Sci 33 (1), 39-44, 2010
Hydrologic Analysis of a Tropical Watershed using KINEROS2.
H Memarian, SK Balasundram, J Talib, C Teh Boon Sung, AM Sood, ...
EnvironmentAsia 5 (1), 2012
Alleviating an acid sulfate soil cultivated to rice (Oryza sativa) using ground magnesium limestone and organic fertilizer
T Suswanto, J Shamshuddin, SRS Omar, P Mat, CBS Teh
Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lingkungan 9 (1), 1-9, 2007
Soil Properties (Physical, Chemical, Biological, Mechanical)
CTB Sung, CF Ishak, R Abdullah, R Othman, QA Panhwar, MMA Aziz
Soils of Malaysia, 2017
Effects of lime and fertiliser application in combination with water management on rice (Oryza sativa) cultivated on an acid sulfate soil
T Suswanto, J Shamshuddin, SR Syed Omar, P Mat, CBS Teh
Malaysian journal of Soil science 11, 1-16, 2007
Wastewater from washed rice water as plant nutrient source: Current understanding and knowledge gaps
N Abba, CTB Sung, TN Paing, ATK Zuan
Pertanika J. Trop. Agric. Sci 29, 1347-1369, 2021
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Articles 1–20