Rachael Diprose
Rachael Diprose
Associate Professor of Development Studies, University of Melbourne
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Two Decades of Reformasi in Indonesia: Its Illiberal Turn
R Diprose, D McRae, VR Hadiz
Journal of Contemporary Asia 49 (5), 691-712, 2019
Contesting development: Participatory projects and local conflict dynamics in Indonesia
P Barron, R Diprose, MJV Woolcock
Yale University Press, 2011
Physical safety and security: A proposal for internationally comparable indicators of violence
R Diprose
Oxford Development Studies 35 (4), 431-458, 2007
The challenge of establishing REDD+ on the ground: Insights from 23 subnational initiatives in six countries
WD Sunderlin, AD Ekaputri, EO Sills, AE Duchelle, D Kweka, R Diprose, ...
CIFOR, 2014
Local conflict and community development in Indonesia: Assessing the impact of the Kecamatan Development Program
P Barron, R Diprose, M Woolcock
Decentralization Support Facility, 2006
Decentralization, horizontal inequalities and conflict management in Indonesia
R Diprose
Ethnopolitics 8 (1), 107-134, 2009
Decentralisation and conflict management in Indonesia and Nigeria
R Diprose, U Ukiwo
Centre for Research on Inequality, Human Security and Ethnicity, University …, 2008
Local conflict and development projects in Indonesia: part of the problem or part of a solution?
P Barron, R Diprose, M Woolcock
Historical contexts of Muslim-Christian encounters in northern Nigeria
AR Mustapha, R Diprose, D Ehrhardt
Creed & Grievance: Muslim-Christian Relations & Conflict Resolution in …, 2018
Do participatory development projects help villagers manage local conflicts? A mixed methods approach to assessing the Kecamatan Development Project, Indonesia
P Barron, R Diprose, D Madden, CQ Smith, M Woolcock
The World Bank, 2004
Passing on the challenges or prescribing better management of diversity? Decentralisation, power sharing and conflict dynamics in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
R Diprose
Conflict, Security & Development 8 (4), 393-425, 2008
Reordering the Extractive Political Settlement: Resource Nationalism, Domestic Ownership and Transnational Bargains in Indonesia
PS Winanti, R Diprose
The Extractive Industries and Society 7 (4), 1534-1546, 2020
Conflict management in Indonesia's post-authoritarian democracy: Resource contestation, power dynamics and brokerage
R Diprose, MN Azca
Conflict, Security & Development 20 (1), 191-221, 2020
Regulating sustainable minerals in electronics supply chains: local power struggles and the ‘hidden costs’ of global tin supply chain governance
R Diprose, N Kurniawan, K Macdonald, P Winanti
Review of International Political Economy 29 (3), 792-817, 2022
Transnational policy influence and the politics of legitimation
R Diprose, NI Kurniawan, K Macdonald
Governance 32 (2), 223-240, 2019
Conflict dynamics and agonistic dialogue on historical violence: a case from Indonesia
S Maddison, R Diprose
Third World Quarterly 39 (8), 1622-1639, 2018
Bare-Chested Politics in Indonesia: Local Elections in a Post-Conflict Scenario
GK Brown, R Diprose
Deepening Democracy in Indonesia, 2009
Applying mixed methods research to community driven development projects and local conflict mediation: A case study from Indonesia
P Barron, R Diprose, CQ Smith, K Whiteside, M Woolcock
World Bank: Washington DC, 2008
Past communal conflict and contemporary security debates in Indonesia
R Diprose, MN Azca
Journal of Contemporary Asia 49 (5), 780-805, 2019
Brokerage, power and gender equity: How empowerment‐focused civil society organisations bolster women's influence in rural Indonesia
R Diprose
Journal of International Development 35 (3), 401-425, 2023
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Articles 1–20