Tadas Balciunas
Tadas Balciunas
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Cited by
Bright coherent ultrahigh harmonics in the keV x-ray regime from mid-infrared femtosecond lasers
T Popmintchev, MC Chen, D Popmintchev, P Arpin, S Brown, ...
science 336 (6086), 1287-1291, 2012
90 GW peak power few-cycle mid-infrared pulses from an optical parametric amplifier
G Andriukaitis, T Balčiūnas, S Ališauskas, A Pugžlys, A Baltuška, ...
Optics letters 36 (15), 2755-2757, 2011
A strong-field driver in the single-cycle regime based on self-compression in a kagome fibre
T Balciunas, C Fourcade-Dutin, G Fan, T Witting, AA Voronin, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 6117, 2015
Near-and extended-edge x-ray-absorption fine-structure spectroscopy using ultrafast coherent high-order harmonic supercontinua
D Popmintchev, BR Galloway, MC Chen, F Dollar, CA Mancuso, A Hankla, ...
Physical Review Letters 120 (9), 093002, 2018
Optimization of quantum trajectories driven by strong-field waveforms
S Haessler, T Balčiunas, G Fan, G Andriukaitis, A Pugžlys, A Baltuška, ...
Physical Review X 4 (2), 021028, 2014
Highly efficient scalable monolithic semiconductor terahertz pulse source
JA Fülöp, G Polónyi, B Monoszlai, G Andriukaitis, T Balciunas, A Pugzlys, ...
Optica 3 (10), 1075-1078, 2016
Hollow-core-waveguide compression of multi-millijoule CEP-stable 3.2 μm pulses
G Fan, T Balčiūnas, T Kanai, T Flöry, G Andriukaitis, BE Schmidt, F Légaré, ...
Optica 3 (12), 1308-1311, 2016
Time-resolved off-axis digital holography for characterization of ultrafast phenomena in water
T Balciunas, A Melninkaitis, G Tamosauskas, V Sirutkaitis
Optics letters 33 (1), 58-60, 2007
High-energy terahertz pulses from semiconductors pumped beyond the three-photon absorption edge
G Polónyi, B Monoszlai, G Gäumann, EJ Rohwer, G Andriukaitis, ...
Optics express 24 (21), 23872-23882, 2016
CEP-stable tunable THz-emission originating from laser-waveform-controlled sub-cycle plasma-electron bursts
T Balčiūnas, D Lorenc, M Ivanov, O Smirnova, AM Zheltikov, D Dietze, ...
Optics Express 23 (12), 15278-15289, 2015
High-order harmonic source spanning up to the oxygen K-edge based on filamentation pulse compression
C Schmidt, Y Pertot, T Balciunas, K Zinchenko, M Matthews, HJ Wörner, ...
Optics Express 26 (9), 11834-11842, 2018
Femtosecond soft-X-ray absorption spectroscopy of liquids with a water-window high-harmonic source
AD Smith, T Balciunas, YP Chang, C Schmidt, K Zinchenko, FB Nunes, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 11 (6), 1981-1988, 2020
Carrier envelope phase stabilization of a Yb: KGW laser amplifier
T Balčiūnas, OD Mücke, P Mišeikis, G Andriukaitis, A Pugžlys, L Giniūnas, ...
Optics letters 36 (16), 3242-3244, 2011
X-SEA-F-SPIDER characterization of over octave spanning pulses in the infrared range
G Fan, T Balčiūnas, C Fourcade-Dutin, S Haessler, AA Voronin, ...
Optics Express 24 (12), 12713-12729, 2016
Femtosecond proton transfer in urea solutions probed by X-ray spectroscopy
Z Yin, YP Chang, T Balčiūnas, Y Shakya, A Djorović, G Gaulier, G Fazio, ...
Nature 619 (7971), 749-754, 2023
Optical and ultrasonic signatures of femtosecond pulse filamentation in fused silica
V Mizeikis, S Juodkazis, T Balčiūnas, H Misawa, SI Kudryashov, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 105 (12), 2009
Attosecond circular-dichroism chronoscopy of electron vortices
M Han, JB Ji, T Balčiūnas, K Ueda, HJ Wörner
Nature Physics 19 (2), 230-236, 2023
Enhanced multi-colour gating for the generation of high-power isolated attosecond pulses
S Haessler, T Balčiūnas, G Fan, LE Chipperfield, A Baltuška
Scientific reports 5 (1), 10084, 2015
Optical and THz signatures of sub-cycle tunneling dynamics
T Balciunas, AJ Verhoef, AV Mitrofanov, G Fan, EE Serebryannikov, ...
Chemical Physics 414, 92-99, 2013
Wavelength scaling of ultrafast demagnetization in Co/Pt multilayers
V Cardin, T Balciunas, K Légaré, A Baltuska, H Ibrahim, E Jal, ...
Physical Review B 101 (5), 054430, 2020
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Articles 1–20