Chih-Wei Chang
Chih-Wei Chang
Center for Condensed Matter Sciences, National Taiwan University
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Solid-state thermal rectifier
CW Chang, D Okawa, A Majumdar, A Zettl
Science 314 (5802), 1121-1124, 2006
Breakdown of Fourier’s law in nanotube thermal conductors
CW Chang, D Okawa, H Garcia, A Majumdar, A Zettl
Physical review letters 101 (7), 075903, 2008
Isotope effect on the thermal conductivity of boron nitride nanotubes
CW Chang, AM Fennimore, A Afanasiev, D Okawa, T Ikuno, H Garcia, ...
Physical review letters 97 (8), 085901, 2006
Ultrahigh frequency nanotube resonators
HB Peng, CW Chang, S Aloni, TD Yuzvinsky, A Zettl
Phys. Rev. Lett 97 (8), 087203, 2006
Observation of room-temperature ballistic thermal conduction persisting over 8.3 µm in SiGe nanowires
TK Hsiao, HK Chang, SC Liou, MW Chu, SC Lee, CW Chang
Nature nanotechnology 8 (7), 534, 2013
Erratum:“Thermal conductivity of B–C–N and BN nanotubes”[J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 23, 1883 (2005)]
CW Chang, WQ Han, A Zettl
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer …, 2009
Thermal conductivity of BCN and BN nanotubes
CW Chang, WQ Han, A Zettl
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer …, 2005
Nanotube phonon waveguide
CW Chang, D Okawa, H Garcia, A Majumdar, A Zettl
Physical review letters 99 (4), 045901, 2007
Divergent and Ultrahigh Thermal Conductivity in Millimeter-Long Nanotubes
V Lee, CH Wu, ZX Lou, WL Lee, CW Chang
Physical Review Letters 118 (13), 135901, 2017
Encapsulation of one-dimensional potassium halide crystals within BN nanotubes
WQ Han, CW Chang, A Zettl
Nano Letters 4 (7), 1355-1357, 2004
Giant photothermal nonlinearity in a single silicon nanostructure
YS Duh, Y Nagasaki, YL Tang, PH Wu, HY Cheng, TH Yen, HX Ding, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 1-9, 2020
Micron-scale ballistic thermal conduction and suppressed thermal conductivity in heterogeneously interfaced nanowires
TK Hsiao, BW Huang, HK Chang, SC Liou, MW Chu, SC Lee, CW Chang
Physical Review B 91 (3), 035406, 2015
Ultrasmall all-optical plasmonic switch and its application to superresolution imaging
HY Wu, YT Huang, PT Shen, H Lee, R Oketani, Y Yonemaru, ...
Scientific reports 6, 24293, 2016
Temperature-and roughness-dependent permittivity of annealed/unannealed gold films
PT Shen, Y Sivan, CW Lin, HL Liu, CW Chang, SW Chu
Optics express 24 (17), 19254-19263, 2016
Tunable thermal links
CW Chang, D Okawa, H Garcia, TD Yuzvinsky, A Majumdar, A Zettl
Appl. Phys. Lett 90 (19), 193114, 2007
Optical Möbius symmetry in metamaterials
CW Chang, M Liu, S Nam, S Zhang, Y Liu, G Bartal, X Zhang
Physical review letters 105 (23), 235501, 2010
Gold nanoparticle thin film-based strain sensors for monitoring human pulse
WW Jheng, YS Su, YL Hsieh, YJ Lin, SD Tzeng, CW Chang, JM Song, ...
ACS Applied Nano Materials 4 (2), 1712-1718, 2021
Microwave electromechanical resonator consisting of clamped carbon nanotubes in an abacus arrangement
HB Peng, CW Chang, S Aloni, TD Yuzvinsky, A Zettl
Physical Review B 76 (3), 035405, 2007
Unusual imaging properties of superresolution microspheres
PY Li, Y Tsao, YJ Liu, ZX Lou, WL Lee, SW Chu, CW Chang
Optics Express 24 (15), 16479-16486, 2016
Length-dependent thermal transport and ballistic thermal conduction
BW Huang, TK Hsiao, KH Lin, DW Chiou, CW Chang
AIP Advances 5 (5), 053202, 2015
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Articles 1–20