Lucas Martins
Lucas Martins
Other namesLucas M. C. e Martins, Lucas Maurício Castro e Martins
Researcher & Professor at IDP and Researcher at University of Brasilia
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Cited by
Cited by
Design and Evaluation of a Semantic Gateway Prototype for IoT Networks
FL Caldas Filho, LMC Martins, IP Araújo, FLL Mendonça, JPCL da Costa, ...
Companion Proceedings of the10th International Conference on Utility and …, 2017
Tracking intruders in IoT networks by means of DNS traffic analysis
TL Sperling, FL Caldas Filho, RT de Sousa Júnior, LMC Martins, ...
2017 Workshop on Communication Networks and Power Systems (WCNPS), 1-4, 2017
Qos scheduling algorithm for a fog iot gateway
FL de Caldas Filho, RL Rocha, CJB Abbas, LMCE Martins, ED Canedo, ...
2019 workshop on communication networks and power systems (WCNPS), 1-6, 2019
Increasing the Dependability of IoT Middleware with Cloud Computing and Microservices
LMC Martins, FL Caldas Filho, RT de Sousa Júnior, WF Giozza, ...
Companion Proceedings of the10th International Conference on Utility and …, 2017
HIDS by signature for embedded devices in IoT networks
BV Dutra, LMCE Martins
Actas de las V Jornadas Nacionales de Ciberseguridad: junio 5-7, 2019 …, 2019
Gerenciamento de Serviços IoT com Gateway Semântico
FL de Caldas Filho, MC Lucas, IPA Martins, FLL de Mendonça, ...
Conferência Ibero-Americana de Computação Aplicada 2017, 199-206, 2017
IPS architecture for IoT networks overlapped in SDN
DGV Gonçalves, FL de Caldas Filho, LMCE Martins, GO Kfouri, BV Dutra, ...
2019 Workshop on Communication Networks and Power Systems (WCNPS), 1-6, 2019
Design of a Distributed HIDS for IoT Backbone Components.
GO Kfouri, DGV Gonçalves, BV Dutra, JF de Alencastro, ...
FedCSIS (Communication Papers), 81-88, 2019
Segurança do Ambiente Usando Dispositivo IoT com Processamento Distribuído
BJG Praciano, FL de Caldas Filho, MC Lucas, DF Martins, DA da Silva, ...
Atas das Conferências Ibero-Americanas WWW/Internet 2019 e Computação …, 2019
IoT Fog-based Image Matching Monitoring System for Physical Access Control through IP Camera Devices
MB Andrade, FF da Silva, LMC e Martins, HWS Oliveira, ...
2020 Workshop on Communication Networks and Power Systems (WCNPS), 1-6, 2020
Design of a fog controller to provide an iot middleware with hierarchical interaction capability
DS Prado, FLC Filho, LC Almeida, LMC Martins, FLL Mendonça, ...
International Conference on Information Technology & Systems, 280-292, 2021
University campus microclimate monitoring using IoT
MS Monteiro, FL de Caldas Filho, LA Barbosa, LMCE Martins, ...
2019 Workshop on Communication Networks and Power Systems (WCNPS), 1-5, 2019
Acceptance tests over microservices architecture using behaviour-driven development
HR Lima, KC Souza, LV de Paula, LMC e Martins, WF Giozza, ...
2021 16th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI …, 2021
Compartilhamento de arquivos em Home Office: uma solução de armazenamento de arquivos segura e altamente disponível em um ambiente de nuvem privada
CVS Moreira, RM Monteiro, FL de Caldas Filho, MC Lucas, ...
Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, 409-424, 2021
Environmental building monitoring and control based on machine learning and fog computing on an IoT architecture
RL Patrão, FL de Caldas Filho, LMC e Martins, GN Silva, MS Monteiro, ...
2020 15th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI …, 2020
Arquitetura de redundÂncia de gateways iot em redes zigbee
P Mascarenhas, CR Francisco Filho, L Martins, P Costa, ...
CIACA, Conferência Ibero Americana de Computação Aplicada, 147-154, 2019
Evaluation of an IoT device designed for transparent traffic analysis
TL von Sperling, BA França, FL de Caldas Filho, LMC e Martins, ...
2018 Workshop on Communication Networks and Power Systems (WCNPS), 1-5, 2018
Desenvolvimento De Modelo Hierárquico De Middlewares Com Aplicaçao De Fog Computing Para Redes IoT
JTM de Menezes, PHL da Costa, DF da Cunha, FL de Caldas Filho, ...
Atas das Conferencias Ibero-Americanas WWW/Internet, 155-162, 2019
Protocolos de Redundância de Gateway Aplicados em Redes IoT
CFC Ribeiro, FL Caldas Filho, LMC Martins, CJB Abbas, ...
Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais - SBrT …, 2018
Proposta de Adoção de Microsserviços em IoT
LMC Martins, FL Caldas Filho, RT de Sousa Júnior, WF Giozza, ...
Conferência Ibero-Americana WWW/Internet 2017, 63-70, 2017
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Articles 1–20