Sadullah, AF
Sadullah, AF
Professor of Transport, Universiti Sains Malaysia
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Cited by
Exploring the effects of roadway characteristics on the frequency and severity of head-on crashes: Case studies from Malaysian Federal Roads
M Hosseinpour, AS Yahaya, AF Sadullah
Accident Analysis & Prevention 62, 209-222, 2014
A comparison study on motorcycle traffic development in some Asian countries–case of Taiwan, Malaysia and Vietnam
TP Hsu, EAFM Sadullah, INX Dao
A Novel framework for integrating United Nations Sustainable Development Goals into sustainable non-residential building assessment and management in Jordan
R Alawneh, F Ghazali, H Ali, AF Sadullah
Sustainable Cities and Society 49, 101612, 2019
A review of behavioural issues contribution to motorcycle safety
MT Yousif, AFM Sadullah, KAA Kassim
IATSS research 44 (2), 142-154, 2020
Key components of a motorcycle-traffic system: A Study Along the Motorcycle Path in Malaysia
H Hussain, URS Radin, FMS Ahmad, MM Dadang
IATSS research 29 (1), 50-56, 2005
Errors in accident data, its types, causes and methods of rectification-analysis of the literature
A Ahmed, AFM Sadullah, AS Yahya
Accident Analysis & Prevention 130, 3-21, 2019
A study on the motorcycle ownership: A case study in Penang State, Malaysia
LV Leong, AFM Sadullah
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies 7, 528-539, 2007
The effect of motorcycle helmet type, components and fixation status on facial injury in Klang Valley, Malaysia: a case control study
R Ramli, J Oxley, P Hillard, AF Mohd Sadullah, R McClure
BMC emergency medicine 14, 1-11, 2014
Field study on the behavior of right-turning vehicles in Malaysia and their contribution on the safety of unsignalized intersections
A Ahmed, AFM Sadullah, AS Yahya
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 42, 433-446, 2016
A comparison study on motorcycle traffic development in some Asian countries–case of Taiwan
TP Hsu, AFM Sadullah, NX Dao
Malaysia and Vietnam, 2003
Evaluating the effects of road geometry, environment, and traffic volume on rollover crashes
M Hosseinpour, A Shukri Yahaya, A Farhan Sadullah, N Ismail, ...
Transport 31 (2), 221-232, 2016
Intelligent speed adaptation: Preliminary results of on-road study in Penang, Malaysia
SMR Ghadiri, J Prasetijo, AF Sadullah, M Hoseinpour, S Sahranavard
IATSS research 36 (2), 106-114, 2013
Use of microscopic traffic simulation software to determine heavy-vehicle influence on queue lengths at toll plazas
MB Mahdi, LV Leong, AFM Sadullah
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 44, 7297-7311, 2019
The identification of significant features towards travel mode choice and its prediction via optimised random forest classifier: An evaluation for active commuting behavior
NFM Ali, AFM Sadullah, APPA Majeed, MAM Razman, RM Musa
Journal of Transport & Health 25, 101362, 2022
Effect Of Motorcycles Travel Behaviour On Saturation Flow Rates At Signalized Intersections In Malaysia.
LV Leong, WH Wan Ibrahim, AF Mohd
Accident analysis using count data for unsignalized intersections in Malaysia
A Ahmed, AFM Sadullah, A shukri Yahya
Procedia engineering 77, 45-52, 2014
ASEAN NCAP–The best bet for vehicle safety in the region’s safe system
ZM Jawi, KAA Kassim, AF Sadullah
International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance 4 (6), 358-363, 2013
Weather as a road safety hazard in Malaysia-An overview
ZM Jawi, MHM Isa, R Sarani, WS Voon, AFM Sadullah
MIROS Review Report MRev 3, 2009, 2009
Air pollution from motor vehicles a mathematical model analysis: case study in Ipoh City, Perak, Malaysia
AFM Sadullah, NZ Yahaya, SRSA Latif
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies 5 (Oct), 2367 …, 2003
Passenger Car Equivalents And Saturation Flow Rates For Through Vehicles At Signalized Intersections In Malaysia.
L Lee Vien, WH Wan Ibrahim, AF Mohd Sadullah
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Articles 1–20