Bayessim: adaptive domain randomization via probabilistic inference for robotics simulators F Ramos, RC Possas, D Fox arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.01728, 2019 | 156 | 2019 |
Egocentric activity recognition on a budget R Possas, SP Caceres, F Ramos Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2018 | 53 | 2018 |
Online bayessim for combined simulator parameter inference and policy improvement R Possas, L Barcelos, R Oliveira, D Fox, F Ramos 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2020 | 13 | 2020 |
Disco: Double likelihood-free inference stochastic control L Barcelos, R Oliveira, R Possas, L Ott, F Ramos 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 10969 …, 2020 | 13 | 2020 |
Bayessim: adaptive domain randomization via probabilistic inference for robotics simulators (2019) F Ramos, RC Possas, D Fox arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.01728, 0 | 8 | |
BayesSimIG: Scalable Parameter Inference for Adaptive Domain Randomization with IsaacGym R Antonova, F Ramos, R Possas, D Fox arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.04527, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
Effectiveness of Adversarial Attacks on Class-Imbalanced Convolutional Neural Networks R Possas, Y Zhou Neural Information Processing: 24th International Conference, ICONIP 2017 …, 2017 | 1 | 2017 |