Mareike Schoop
Mareike Schoop
Professor of Information Systems, University of Hohenheim
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Cited by
Desiderata for controlled medical vocabularies in the twenty-first century
JJ Cimino
Methods of information in medicine 37 (04/05), 394-403, 1998
Negoisst: a negotiation support system for electronic business-to-business negotiations in e-commerce
M Schoop, A Jertila, T List
Data & Knowledge Engineering 47 (3), 371-401, 2003
The pragmatic web: a manifesto
M Schoop, A Moor, JLG Dietz
Communications of the ACM 49 (5), 75-76, 2006
B2B negotiation support: The need for a communication perspective
H Weigand, M Schoop, A de Moor, F Dignum
Group Decision and Negotiation 12, 3-29, 2003
Unlocking the power of generative AI models and systems such as GPT-4 and ChatGPT for higher education: A guide for students and lecturers
H Gimpel, K Hall, S Decker, T Eymann, L Lämmermann, A Mädche, ...
Hohenheim Discussion Papers in Business, Economics and Social Sciences, 2023
DOC. COM: a framework for effective negotiation support in electronic marketplaces
M Schoop, C Quix
Computer Networks 37 (2), 153-170, 2001
Business data management for business-to-business electronic commerce
C Quix, M Schoop, M Jeusfeld
ACM SIGMOD Record 31 (1), 49-54, 2002
Communication quality in business negotiations
M Schoop, F Köhne, K Ostertag
Group decision and negotiation 19, 193-209, 2010
An introduction to the language-action perspective
M Schoop
Acm Siggroup Bulletin 22 (2), 3-8, 2001
Support of complex electronic negotiations
M Schoop
Handbook of group decision and negotiation, 409-423, 2010
Shall we dance?—The effect of information presentations on negotiation processes and outcomes
J Gettinger, ST Koeszegi, M Schoop
Decision support systems 53 (1), 161-174, 2012
A language-action approach to electronic negotiations
M Schoop
Systems, Signs & Actions 1 (1), 62-79, 2005
An empirical study of multidisciplinary communication in healthcare using a language-action perspective
M Schoop
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on the Language Action …, 1999
Making it tangible-Creating a Definition of Agile mindset.
A Mordi, M Schoop
ECIS, 2020
Reassessment of the action workflow approach: empirical results
S Kethers, M Schoop
Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on the Language-Action …, 2000
The worlds of negotiation
M Schoop
Proceedings of the 9th International Working Conference on the Language …, 2004
Electronic markets for architects—The architecture of electronic markets
M Schoop
Information Systems Frontiers 4, 285-302, 2002
The antecedents of renegotiations in practice—an exploratory analysis
M Schoop, F Köhne, D Staskiewicz, M Voeth, U Herbst
Group Decision and Negotiation 17, 127-139, 2008
A conceptual framework for task and tool personalisation in IS education
P Melzer, P Melzer
A Conceptual Framework for Personalised Learning: Influence Factors, Design …, 2019
DOC. COM: Combining document and communication management for negotiation support in business-to-business electronic commerce
M Schoop, C Quix
Proceedings of the 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2001
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Articles 1–20